Merry Christmas

Welcome back and Merry Christmas

Hello, my dear readers!

It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly two years since my last post. I hope this message finds you all well during these unprecedented times. Over the past couple of years, so much has changed in the world, and the global situation seems to be intensifying with each passing day. After much contemplation, I have decided it’s time to step back into the fray and resume posting on this platform once again.

While my updates may not be as frequent or regular as they once were, my goal remains the same: to bring you a curated selection of the most significant and relevant news that I believe is worth sharing. Our world is more interconnected than ever, and staying informed has never been more crucial.

Thank you for your patience and during my hiatus. I’m excited to reconnect with this incredible community and navigate the complexities of our present era together. Stay tuned for new posts, and as always, feel free to share your thoughts and insights. Your engagement and feedback mean a lot to me.

In the meantime I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas. Take these days to slow down and reflect what lies behind you and also prepare for what is to come in the coming days, weeks and months.

In Love and Light
Koshima of

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Thank you for being part of this journey of discovery and light.

12 Comment(s)
  • Ginger says:

    I’m so glad you are back posting again. I listened and read almost all you offered before and that was a lifeline to me for a very long time. Expressing deep appreciation that you have resumed as I know it takes a lot of time and energy.

  • Diana says:

    Hi Koshima, Welcome back we’ve missed you. Great to have you back on board, looking forward to your future posts.

    Love light & peace

  • Simon says:

    Hi Koshima, your back!!
    I’ve been in the fight as strong as ever while you’ve been away, walked away completely from the old system, don’t pay anything anymore except phone bill so they don’t cut me off.
    I’m finding it very hard to belive med beds are going public in a few weeks? Dead beds I could believe with all the assisted suicide talk lately. And nesara/gesara qfs while we’re still balls deep in this war?? Future proves past and most of these “truthers” past info isn’t holding up too well coming into 2025 is it..?
    I guess we’ll see what happens when Trump is publicly sworn in as president… if this takes much longer there won’t be anything left to save, the English, especially jabbed are too far gone mentally. Wildlife has virtually been wiped out, we’ve had no sun for months, the air stinks of diesel/industrial cleaner type of smell. Planes are out spraying night and day none stop. There are small numbers of people waking up but nowhere near enough, and they’re nowhere near angry enough about what’s been done to us. We are a long long long way off this fantastical golden age from what I’m seeing in the real world…
    Anyway good to have you back!

    • Paul Norris says:

      A lot of Truth in here Simon your right the English are gone mentally it’s spraying day and night here also and your right there won’t be much left to save soon we keep hearing Golden Age by 2032 it will have to come a lot sooner than that or everyone will be gone mentally emotionally and physically.

  • Ilse says:

    Hi dear ones ,
    I am crying from happiness to hear from you. Goosebumps … happy
    I missed the messages so much .
    Yes I tried to stay connected with the mothership.
    Love and light
    Happy holidays!

    Best wishes , Ilse from the Netherlands

  • Giedrius says:

    WELCOME BACK KOSHIMA! 😃 I think it is one of THE BEST NEWS during whole 2024! 🫡
    💃🕺🏽💃🕺🏽💃🕺🏽💃🕺🏽💃🕺🏽 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  • Julie says:

    My sister and I talked about the “Into The Light” days about a week ago and how we miss the newsletters… and here you are! Thank you for your return. Looking forward to the updates from you.

    Blessings 🙏 ❤️

  • Paul Norris says:

    It’s really great to have you back Koshima I’ve missed this site so much.
    In Love and Light

  • Carol Ann Morris says:

    What JOY it is to see you are back… Your post reminds us all that – Now is the time for us to SHINE our LIGHT and LOVE humanity forward.

  • Teresa Baber says:

    Hi Koshima,
    Lovely surprise to have you back, thank you for your post, I’ve always looked forward to Into the Light updates.
    Love & Light,

  • Peggy says:

    I always looked forward to your Into The Light messages, and have truly missed them. Thank you for coming back.

  • zara says:

    What a great birthday gift to see you posting again! It’s the most positive site on the internet.

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