Dr. Michael Salla
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Rescuing Children from Solar Systems DUMBs and a Space Ark in Nazca, Peru

Jean Charles Moyen and Melanie Charest are extraterrestrial contactees who also served with a joint US-French secret space program based on a large mothership called the Solaris. In this Exopolitics Today interview, they describe their respective roles in rescuing children who were abducted and were being abused on other planets and moons in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in our solar system.

Moyen and Charest describe how they rescued Corina Pataki after she had spent five years, from age 2 – 7, in a secret DUMB on Mars. Significantly, Pataki recognized Moyen and Charest when they met in Orlando, Florida, at the 2023 Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection conference, and recalled the dramatic rescue and how she was returned to the Black Sea location in Romania, where she was originally abducted at age 2.

Moyen next discusses an experience where he bilocated to a large cavern under the Nazca plains of Peru, where he discovered a large space ark at the bottom of a lake. Inside the ark, there was ancient technology and writing, which he did not recognize. In an attempt to corroborate his experience, he worked with Tony Rodrigues to set up a double-blind remote viewing experiment for the space ark. After several remote viewers felt they were being blocked, one of the remote viewers, Veronica, succeeded and was able to clearly see the target, where it was located, and some of its history. It was later recognized to be a space ark.

Moyen has previously described other space ark experiences and believes he has either teleported or bilocated to a total of six space arks located under Mt Fuji, Japan; the Bahamas (Atlantic Space Ark); the Giza Plateau, Egypt (under the Sphinx); Mauna Kea, Hawaii; Mt Kailash, Himalayas, and most recently Nazca, Peru.

Jean Charles Moyen’s website is: https://www.jcmoyen.com/en

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