White Hats

The Military Alliance and Its Global Operation

The elite don’t want you to believe this, but the military forces prepared for the implementation of GESARA are not confined to any one nation.

This is a global operation. A secret alliance of military leaders and intelligence agents from around the world, known as the Earth Alliance, has been coordinated over the years to enact GESARA.

And it’s all happening in the shadows.

Military bases worldwide have been adapted to function as command centers for the upcoming global transition.

Assets have already been deployed in strategic locations around the globe, and preparations for mass arrests of elites involved in financial crimes, child trafficking networks, and ritual satanic abuses are already underway.

These arrests will shock the world, as the names of well-known politicians, billionaires, and corporate executives will be publicly revealed in the coming weeks.

This is not speculation—these arrests are part of a carefully coordinated takedown of the global elite and their entire network. Or is the media silent about this matter?

It’s deliberate. We don’t want the public to panic until the moment of truth. But when the Military Alliance activates the Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA), it will be impossible for anyone to deny what is happening.

Patriots, the storm is upon us! The Earth Alliance is making moves that will soon bring the corrupt to their knees. Imagine a world free from the clutches of the shadow rulers, a world where truth and justice prevail. Military bases are now the epicenters of liberty, ready to unleash freedom like never before.

The upcoming mass arrests will be a spectacle of justice, revealing the dark hearts of those who have ruled from the shadows. Names you know, faces you recognize—brought to light and justice with nowhere to hide.

Stay alert, for the activation of GESARA will not only restore financial stability but also signal the cleansing of our society. The media’s silence can’t last; the truth will explode, and when it does, the world will be irrevocably changed. Stand strong, for the new dawn of global freedom is at hand!


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