Future Of IntoTheLight.news
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A Heartfelt Update: The Future of IntoTheLight.news and How You Can Help Shape It

Dear IntoTheLight.news Community,

First of all, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the overwhelming love and positive feedback I’ve received since relaunching the website and sending out the first newsletter after two years of silence. Your kind words and heartfelt messages have truly touched me and reminded me why I started this journey in the first place. It’s clear that the content I share has been deeply appreciated and missed, and I am so grateful to be back in connection with all of you.

As many of you know, IntoTheLight.news has always been a labor of love—a space dedicated to sharing truth, light, and inspiration with all who seek it. Over the years, I’ve poured countless hours into researching and publishing articles to bring clarity and hope to our shared journey. However, as much as I love this work, balancing it alongside my regular job has been a significant challenge. One of the reasons I stopped posting two years ago was because the pressure became overwhelming at times.

Today, I am in the process of completely reorienting my life and exploring the possibility of dedicating more time to IntoTheLight.news. To make this vision a reality, I would need to reduce the energy I put into a regular job and, at the same time, generate at least a partial income through IntoTheLight.news to make financial ends meet. While I’ve always offered the option to donate, the support received has never been enough to sustain this work as a livelihood.

A New Chapter: Introducing a Premium Subscription

After much reflection, I’ve decided it’s time to create a more balanced exchange of energy. I want to continue offering all my articles and the basic newsletter for free, so that anyone—regardless of their financial situation—can access this information. However, for those who feel called to support my work and receive additional benefits, I am planning to introduce a Premium Subscription.

This subscription will not only help sustain the work I do but also allow me to offer you even more value. Here’s what I envision for Premium subscribers:

A Private IntoTheLight.news Community Forum
A safe and supportive space where you can connect with like-minded Lightworkers, share insights, and discuss the topics that matter most to you.

Tailored Content and Newsletters
Customize your experience by selecting the categories that interest you most, so you only receive the content that resonates with your journey.

Supplementary Information from X and Telegram
Gain access to additional curated content from platforms like X and Telegram, expanding the scope of the information I share.

Supporting the Mission
By subscribing, you’ll be directly supporting the countless hours of research and dedication that go into every post, helping me continue this work and expand its reach.

Your Voice Matters: A Quick Poll

Before I move forward, I want to hear from you! Your feedback is incredibly important to me, and I’d love to know your thoughts on these topics.
I’ve created a simple poll where you can share your preferences and thoughts. Your input will be invaluable in shaping the future of IntoTheLight.news. 

Would you be interested in a Premium Subscription?

If so, which option feels right for you?

Would you be interested in a Premium Subscription with the above mentioned benefits:
Which topics interest you most?

IntoTheLight.news currently covers 8 categories:
Starseed News, Channelings, Disclosure, Geopolitics, Technology, Financial System, Health and History.

Please let me know which of these categories you’re most interested in (you can select multiple categories). Besides you can indicate other important areas of interest that are missing in your point of view. Please have a look at the list of Tags (just here on the right side) before you suggest new categories. Categories are supposed to be broader areas of interest while Tags go more into detail. If you have any other suggestion how I can improve IntoTheLight.news please let me know in the comments below.

What are the Categories you are interested in? (Multiple choices are possible)

Your responses will help me understand what matters most to you and how I can best serve this beautiful community moving forward.

Thank You for Your Support

Whether you choose to subscribe, donate, or simply continue reading and sharing the content, please know that your presence here means the world to me. Together, we are building a community of light, truth, and transformation, and I am honored to walk this path with you.

In Love and Light
Koshima of IntoTheLight.news

Because it is time to bring Mother Earth and her inhabitants into the light.

Was this information interesting and/or helpful? If Yes, please consider to Join the Community of Light or doing a One Time or Recurring Donation. Thank You.


The articles, videos, and images shared on IntoTheLight.news are carefully selected based on their alignment with the site’s mission to inform, inspire, and encourage spiritual growth. However, all content is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only. The views, opinions, and claims expressed in the content are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IntoTheLight.news.
We encourage readers to discern the information presented and take personal responsibility for their interpretation and use of the content. For more details on how content is chosen for publication, please visit our About Page. For information on content usage, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.
While we strive to ensure the quality and relevance of the content, IntoTheLight.news does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any material published on this site and cannot be held responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided.
Thank you for being part of this journey of discovery and light.

16 Comment(s)
  • Lawrence Cann says:

    I would be interested in a yearly membership

  • Honore Troy says:

    I wish to subscribe, but don’t use Pay Pal. Can I pay with my debit card?

  • Hi Koshima,
    Good for you!
    As a pensioner in Australia who already spends my $ on the uplifting of humanity, AKA the Re-ascension journey or Creating Heaven on Earth, I cannot pay for content.
    I do like to take a look sometimes so thanks so much fir leaving individuals like me this option. Much love-light, gratitude and JOY. Barb/Grace ❣🔥

    • Ronald says:

      I am exactly such a pensioner in the Netherlands. I’m so glad you came back and in some way you’ll be rewarded. For now I can only give you my deepest love and thanks.

  • Lidia says:

    Reading your news has brought me into the light! I am so happy that you are back and am happy to give you $5 or so a month. love, Lidia

  • Loredana says:

    So pleased you are back! I gladly will contribute to a yearly membership. Love and gratitude.

  • Joy says:

    Greetings Koshima, Very happy for your return! Is it possible to give one payment for the year using a credit card? Happy Earth Changing New Year ahead!🎉 In Love & Light,
    Joy, from New Jersey, USA

  • Julie Kim says:

    I’ve voted for the monthly monetary support, however, I will be making an annual contribution instead of monthly.

  • Gale Klimes says:

    Give me an address and I will contribute to your efforts. I don’t have pay pal and don’t like to put cc# on internet. I too am a very elderly retired person, but have enjoyed your site and would like to contribute.

  • Jim says:

    In the end someone has to pay. I’m sorry unfortunately my financial situation is not great.

  • Carol Ann Morris says:

    I Love what you are doing and so appreciate your continued devotion to all of us.

  • Linda Patmore says:

    Hi Koshima, it is lovely to see you return with your amazing newsletter, I’ve missed so much your information, love and support. I too am an Australian pensioner and unable to support you, but I thank you so much for giving us the option of still accessing the incredible and uplifting information you are providing for us.
    Gob Bless you.

  • Paul says:

    Wonderful that you are back. Always found the “knowledge base” especially useful. I would be happy to subscribe monthly using a BACS payment method.

  • Barbara Tunks says:

    Hi Koshima, So glad you have come back, we all have missed you so much and you are a Big part of our life. Thank You so much for all the Information.
    God Bless You and all of your work.
    Love & Light

  • Rob Wilson says:

    Yearly membership please with a simple system of payment (from UK)

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