Khazarian Mafia

The Hidden Empire of the Khazarian Mafia

The ancient Khazarian King, under the guise of adopting Judaism, covertly engaged his elite in dark practices of Babylonian black-magic, termed Secret Satanism. These rituals, deeply entrenched in Baal Worship, involved heinous child sacrifices, where the innocent were bled, their blood drunk, and hearts consumed.

Despite assurances to the surrounding nations led by the Russian czar, the Khazarian oligarchs seamlessly blended these satanic practices with Judaism, giving birth to a sinister, secret religion known as Babylonian Talmudism. This became Khazaria’s national religion, perpetuating the notorious evils known from its past.

Over time, the Khazarians escalated their atrocities, mastering identity theft from the travelers they murdered. This mastery over deception persists, alongside their gruesome, ancient rituals.

Retribution and Diaspora

By 1200 AD, Russia, along with neighboring nations, had witnessed enough. They invaded Khazaria, aiming to dismantle the pervasive child sacrifice networks. This led to the birth of the term ‘Khazarian Mafia’ to describe the fleeing royal court, which continued its dark rituals in secret across Europe, sustaining their sinister legacy.

The Khazarian Mafia’s Modern Influence

Centuries later, leveraging financial prowess, the Khazarians orchestrated political upheaval in England through Oliver Cromwell, facilitating regicide and sparking the English Civil Wars. This chaos paved the way for the establishment of the City of London as the financial nucleus of Europe, initiating the rise of the British Empire.

Centers of Power: Symbols of Occult Practices

The City of London, the Vatican, and Washington D.C., stand as independent states, owned by the Rothschilds and the globalist elite, symbolizing their deep-rooted occult connections. Each houses an obelisk, representing freemasonic allegiance to Lucifer, whom they revere as the god of enlightenment, contrary to Christian beliefs. These obelisks are not just architectural feats but are emblematic of malevolent energies and the perpetuation of ancient, male-dominant power structures, echoing the rituals of Egyptian sun worship.

Find more information about the Kazarian Mafia in our Knowledge-Base.

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