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  • Cancer Surgeon: “Ivermectin Is SAFER Than a Sugar Pill”

Cancer Surgeon: “Ivermectin Is SAFER Than a Sugar Pill”

“You’d have to take a lot to make yourself sick.”

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has also observed multiple late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin.

Ivermectin is also:

• A Nobel Prize-winning discovery (2015)

• Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, for having the greatest impact on human health

• Credited for bringing river blindness to the brink of elimination

• Used globally in HUMANS, with over 3.7 billion doses administered.


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4 Comment(s)
  • Tina Ross says:

    Hi–What is a good source for Ivermectin..I can’t get it without a Script & I need to purchase in Capsule form?**It really works…Thanks…NR

  • Shelley Jo Graham says:

    LOL I have a whole apothecary in my home that proves SOURCE put 100’s of herbs and plants on this earth to do the SAME thing as this medication……hugs. I am 61 and don’t do big pharma or doctors xoxo

    • Waltraud Meyer says:

      Shelley Jo Graham, which herbs & plants would you use to get rid of parasites if not using Ivermectin. What would the amounts of the herbs & plants be? Have read that anyone with cancer has parasites. My husband has basel cell spots on his face that he continually gets cut off. Thank you!

  • Meretene says:

    I have breast cancer and am due to be operated on 5th February 2025 and I read this podcast about Ivermectin is able to cure cancer and other diseases. I have tried to get this medication through my Surgeon Dr. Elizabeth Richie of Hastings Hospital, New Zealand and the nurse my family spoke with said ‘they don’t recommend this medication because of the many side-effects and said it was a danger to human life.’ They refused to subscribe it for me. But I’m still fighting to get it regardless.

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