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  • Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/04/2025 • Small Changes for More Love

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/04/2025 • Small Changes for More Love

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Welcome 2025! It is time to come alive and bring your hearts, passions, and love to the surface. It is time to question anything that does not serve the life and joy within 
and resolve to give God the task of inspiring you and helping you make desired changes. Your work is not to stress and strain and strive to figure out how to “make” things happen but rather to get yourself into a vibration where you “allow” things to happen.

This does not mean you will sit in a chair visualizing without any action at all. It does mean however, that you will tune yourself into how you want to feel in life and then act when you are inspired, when joy calls, or when something feels good to you.

Of course, there are things you must do. You have to pay your bills and handle affairs in the family and home. Some things simply must be done to keep your life on earth moving. If you must do things you don’t enjoy, try to find a way to add some love to the equation. Whistle while working. Put on your favorite songs. Promise yourself a little reward after you do a “must do” that you’d rather not do. Ask for help from a friend.  Find ways to create a little more love, a little more fun, and a little more joy in those tasks that don’t inspire you, and you will soon discover that even those mundane tasks can make you feel blessed when you add the secret ingredient—love!   

If you take an honest look at your life there are many things you do that you don’t have to do or even want to do. Perhaps you loved mowing the lawn ten years ago, but now you’d rather hire someone. Imagine the relief of having someone come and handle this for you in an affordable way. Then, give the task of finding the right person to the Divine and let go. Rest assured, the universe will help you find someone who loves to mow and does a fantastic job.  

Suppose you used to love cooking but now have other interests. Find healthy “heat and eat” meals, and stop berating yourself for what some of you consider to be “cheating.”  Many enjoy the diversity of food that is now available and relish the chance to try things they’d never cook for themselves.

As you go through your tasks in life, ask yourself “Why?”  “Why am I doing what I am doing?” Sometimes, the answer is simple, “I  pay my taxes because it is part of living in a society that I enjoy.” “I feed my children because I love them and want them to be healthy.” “I take care of my aging parents because I want them to know they are loved.”  

Love is always a beautiful “why.”  However, if your “why” is no longer rooted in love, question your actions. What would you like instead? Would you like some help doing your taxes? Would you like some help from your family? Would you like some in-home care for your parents?  If so either take the steps you know to take or start manifesting. Allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like to have help. Imagine how it would feel to have more freedom and more time. Then, let go and give the Divine the task of helping you solve your situation. The creator of Universes is perfectly capable of helping you with your lives! 

Dear ones, when it comes to the things you don’t know how to accomplish, remember always, the Source does know. The Creator knows infinite, beautiful, positive ways that your dreams can come to fruition. The creator knows how to inspire you to connect with the right people at the right time for mutually beneficial interactions. The Divine is aware of your financial needs, the time you have available, and the resources at your disposal, but also aware of how you can be brought anything you don’t have and do need. 

Your life was meant to be so much more enjoyable than most allow it to be. Your life was meant to be a dance between you and the infinite spirit that lives within all things and all beings. Your life was not meant to be a struggle for survival, a contest about who is right or wrong, or an experience of enslavement to others or a career. Your life was meant to be a dance of love, dear friends, and in the smallest of ways, you can begin to add more love to life right here and now.

This year, 2025, it is time to come alive!. It is time to look at your life and each day question yourself, “Am I happy doing what I am doing? What needs to change? What can I delegate to the Creator of Universes? What do I love doing? How can I add love to things I must do?” These questions are not meant to be answered with depressed resignation and a willingness to settle or suffer but rather with a willingness to allow more love in your everyday life.  And that, dear friends, is how you begin to love life more, starting in the smallest of ways. 

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 
— The Angels


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