Intergalactic Council of Light

The Pleiadian Council of Light: It is Happening

by Chellea Wilder

Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light,

It is always wonderful to connect with you, our beloved Earth family. Each time we reach out, we feel the vibrational resonance of your collective consciousness, and it brings us great joy to engage in this exchange of energy and wisdom.

As we observe your world, we note that it is becoming increasingly difficult for many individuals who choose to entertain negative vibrations.

The challenges you face are amplified by the myriad of frequencies that flood your planet, creating a complex tapestry of energy. From the beautiful rays emanating from our Alcyone Star, which bathes your planet in light and love, to the many solar bursts that are occurring daily, each of these cosmic events contributes to the dynamic shifts in your reality. The Earth’s vibratory and magnetic fields are being altered significantly by these heightened frequencies, as she actively shifts into her new form. This transformation will inevitably cause major changes in your reality as she undergoes this evolution.

Such changes could manifest in various ways, resulting in chaotic weather patterns that may seem erratic and unpredictable, magnetic shifts that could lead to migration issues as animals respond to the changing environment, and even intense earthquake and volcanic activity that serves as a reminder of the Earth’s powerful and dynamic nature. These natural phenomena are part of the larger cosmic orchestration that is unfolding as the planet transitions into a higher state of existence.

In this time of upheaval, distractions are everywhere, pulling your focus away from the essential shifts taking place. However, it is crucial to understand that the shift is happening, whether you are continually aware of it or not. Awareness is key, as it allows you to navigate these changes with greater ease and understanding.

As you move into your New Year, you are being confronted with many new and unexpected frequencies that may challenge your current perceptions and beliefs. These new energies are causing a ripple effect throughout the collective consciousness, awakening many to their true potential and purpose. While there are those who intentionally try to cause harm or chaos, their actions, while catastrophic, are not yielding the results they anticipated. The dark ones, in their attempts to manipulate your current reality, find that their tactics and intentions no longer work effectively within these higher frequencies that are now permeating your existence.

The power of your intentions is what manifests your desires and shapes your reality. As the frequencies rise, this dynamic shifts significantly, leading to a scenario where negative intentions do not manifest as they once did. The universe, in its infinite wisdom, reflects back to you the essence of your true intentions. Furthermore, perspective also shifts. Those who resonate with the Light and embody higher vibrations can no longer be deceived by the illusions created by negativity and fear.

You may put on a mask, attempting to conceal your true self, but rest assured that your genuine intentions will shine through, illuminating the truth of your being. If your intent is to cause chaos, harm, or deceive others, then the Light will reveal your true nature for all to see. The Light engulfs those situations in a protective shield, allowing for others to witness it through the lens of truth and clarity. This is a powerful time for discernment, as the vibrational shifts make it increasingly difficult for falsehoods to persist.

While there is only one truth, it is essential to acknowledge that each of you possesses your own unique perspective of that truth. As you rise into the higher vibrations of love, you begin to witness truth differently; you start to perceive it through the eyes of love. Many ask what we mean by one truth. The one truth is that you are divine, carrying within you the essence of the Prime Creator, a spark of the divine consciousness that connects all beings. This essence is your consciousness, a reflection of the greater whole.

Those who are unaware of this divine connection often see God as an external entity, punishing them for the perceived sins they commit. In contrast, those who have awakened to their true nature see God within themselves, embracing the responsibility for their actions and intentions. They realize that they are the one reflecting their intent, with the universe mirroring those reflections in response. The fundamental difference lies in your awareness of the one truth and how it shapes your experience of reality.

As you continue on your journey, remember that you are co-creators of your reality, and the power lies within you to manifest a world filled with love, light, and harmony. Embrace the shift, honor the changes, and connect with the divine essence that resides within you, for it is through this connection that you will find your way home.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

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2 Comment(s)
  • Tanja van Eyk says:

    I have come from the Pleiadian system, I am looking forward to meeting some of my star brothers & sisters at this incredible point in time.. Light & Love & thanks to all those beings who have assisted though the ages & those who are assisting Earth & humanity through this current shift. I have done what I can & still continue to do to help the change progress.

    • Paul Norris says:

      Like wise Tanja we will keep working to bring about the Golden age we are here in vast numbers.

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