Vidia Frazier
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Vidia Frazier – Entering 2025 with Excitement and Grounded Awareness

So we’re off and running already, as the new year opens with a big bang: a massacre in New Orleans, an explosion in Las Vegas, and bomb scares in a few other US cities.

In Europe and Canada, governments are collapsing. And, sorrowfully, the wars continue on.

And then, there’s the mysterious and apparently poisonous fog that is hanging around a number of areas in the world. And the mysterious drone/orb battle continuing in our skies.

None of this seems to bode well for the new year.

Is there Also a Sense of Excitement?

And yet, if you tune in, can you also somehow feel a sense of excitement, a new opening, a feeling of freedom that is also wafting through you at times about what may be ahead of us as the new year unfolds?

Do you feel a sense that a new birth is also happening, alongside the death of so much around and within you?

Perhaps, you can feel the powerful new frequencies that are now streaming onto the planet like never before. Despite what’s currently happening, you somehow sense a new era is opening up for humanity, a brand-new opportunity for freedom, justice and peace.

You maybe feel the energies of the extraordinary astrology that is currently playing out in our skies, indicating a whole new beginning for the Earth and humanity.

And perhaps you’re experiencing new and wondrous openings within yourself that reveal the depth of who you are as a powerful spiritual Being. Or you find yourself suddenly seeing beauty where you’ve never seen it before, or you’re experiencing wondrous synchronicities.

If you’re following the news in the US, your excitement might stem from the promise of radical disclosure of the corrupt and controlling entities that have been running the world.

It does seem to be possible, for instance, that the Epstein and Diddy lists will finally be published, and the long-awaited mass arrests could actually happen at long last. And that the plandemic hoax might finally be revealed to the still-asleep public. In addition, it just might be possible that peace will finally be achieved in Ukraine and the Middle East.

If you have these hopes, you likely have a sense of confidence in the new US administration coming in, and that these much-needed changes will finally be happening.

It’s still iffy for a number of reasons that the inauguration will even take place, as there are definitely forces trying to prevent it. But perhaps it will take place, and something will finally begin to bring changes to the much-weakened US government – as well as to all other governments in the world, as well.

Avoiding Hopium

However, if we’re smart, we know it’s important to remain grounded and realistic about all this and not get lost in Hopium.

We need to realize that disclosure won’t initially bring a sense of excitement and joy to everyone.

There will undoubtedly be many rudely-awakened people in shock, wandering around for a while, feeling lost, angry and frightened. And we need to be ready for this.

We also need to be aware that turning everything around into a positive direction won’t happen overnight; it may take a great deal longer than we might hope. The dark forces undoubtedly still have some tricks up their sleeve they haven’t let loose yet.

In fact, it’s important not to do the spiritual bypass – thinking that just staying positive and remaining in love and light will help us sail through the chaotic transformation taking place in the world.

We need to realize that all that is happening in the world is not love and light, and many people are deeply suffering because of it. And we need to be prepared that something very upsetting could actually be coming our way that could easily knock us out of the love and light we’re attempting to hold onto.

A Balancing Feat

It’s truly a tremendous balancing feat that needs to be mastered: We need to stay positive, calm and as loving as possible – and yet remain alert, informed and prepared for disasters that could happen on a number of fronts.

We also need to stay present in the moment, very aware of choices we’re making about what we’re keeping in our minds, how we’re handling emotions, and what we’re deciding to do.

Developing these complicated skills is not only necessary for navigating these Transitional Times as smoothly as possible; it’s also essential for shifting into 5D consciousness.

Powerful Releasing of Old Karmic Patterns

At the same time, there may be another challenging process going on inside of you, as you continue to shift into ever-higher frequencies in your ascension process: a powerful releasing of old and intense karmic patterns.

This internal process is kind of a microcosm of what’s happening out in the world.

For many, these experiences are arising out of the blue – surprising emotional outbursts, traumatic memories flooding the mind, and irrational experiences of feeling fearful and lost. Disturbing dreams. Sudden loss of confidence. Sometimes these might be accompanied by an intense illness.

If anything like this has been happening for you, be aware that this is not only typical of what happens when a deep karmic pattern is about to be released – it also seems to be necessary for further ascension to occur.

It’s a sign that a long-held pattern that you’ve run over and over again throughout your life is finally coming to a head. Or it may be a pattern that has sat in your unconscious mind, sometimes for centuries, that is finally coming up to be released. Either way, it needs to be seen clearly so it can be released.

Although extremely challenging and even frightening at times, it’s important to realize that this kind of experience is a prelude to a sense of new freedom that is coming in for you. It needs to occur in order to clear the way.

Times are different now. Karma is ending. It’s no longer necessary to delve deeply into every wounding you experience and engage in long healing processes.

Instead, if it happens, do your best to relax and just allow it to fully blossom in you, with all the uncomfortable emotions and thoughts it may bring, and to keep remembering: It’s on its way out, it’s releasing.

Be careful to not fall into thinking you have to figure it all out, or even that you have to heal it. Just let it be, without judging yourself. Step into the Witness as much as you can, and experience compassion for yourself.

It may take a while, but you will be able to see it slowly unwind and eventually burn out like a wildfire. And you will be left with a sense of surprising calm and freedom — and ultimately with a whole new sense of identity – stronger, more confident, and liberated.

Staying Awake

As we pass through these tumultuous times, if we are wise, we will stay as awake as possible – knowing that, as lightworkers, we are actually the drivers of the transition that is occurring on Earth.

It’s our consciousness that is now leading the way to the Fifth Dimension. We know which way the Earth is going and where we hope as much of humanity as possible can go along with us.

It’s also important for us to stay aware that we are truly being both guided and taken care of during these times. We need to trust that whatever is happening in our life is exactly what needs to be happening to get us where we need to go, both physically and in consciousness.

We need to remember: These are the times we are here for. And we do have what it takes to make it through them.


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