Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel: The Expanded, Multi-dimensional You

by Judith Kusel – http://www.judithkusel.com

We have stepped, in the last few days, through the portals of no return as the New Earth life has begun in earnest.

Note everything has changed into the higher dimensional state and this is a totally new life beginning on levels not known, yet known.

For the known and the unknown are one and the same.

It will feel more and more as if we are transcending through worlds of the formless taking on new forms and expressions thereof. The birth and the birthing. The seen and unseen. The conscious and yet not conscious.

Allow yourself the inward space to assimilate and to allow the unfolding of this newborn you to emerge in the higher dimensional state.

The expanded, multi-dimensional you.

Simply allow.

It will only be confusing, if you want to force yourself to go back to the old you, when in truth you can not do so anymore.

It will seem more and more as if we are observing the old earth from afar, even as we are now being asked to concentrate on the full anchoring in of the New Golden Age.

We are now in state of total new beginnings, like a snake shed its old skin, old self completely and has been resurrected into a totally new life.

Embrace the new you.

Yes, you will need to feel into the new you and can feel fragile at times, like a new born baby.

Then simply ask Archangel Michael for strength, courage and fortitude and above all, and ask Universal Angel Mary and the Divine Feminine to open your higher heart to be living love, as your consciousness levels expand even more.



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