
Matt & Joy Kahn – What We Can Do In Times Like These

When the World is…

As we enter this brand new year, may we honor the world and its uncanny ability to bring forth waves of unique circumstances that invite us to anchor our soul’s highest intentions in loving service to all:

When the world is burning and filled with sudden loss and displacement, may we anchor the vibration of grace that helps each heart find their way through it; whether to the safety of higher ground or through the tunnel of light toward the afterlife of Heaven awaiting us all.

When the world is divided, judgmental, and at the brink of global conflict, may we anchor the vibration of peace that allows the needs of all beings to be of equal importance.

When the world seems unfriendly, rigid in its viewpoint, and dismissive of any other perspective, may we anchor the vibration of compassion that melts the walls dividing any heart from the light of Source.

When the world feels like a numb, empty, uninspired place to be and filled with lifeless bodies not knowing who they are or wanting to be here for even a moment longer, may we anchor the vibration of love that allows us to find a renewal of purpose and connection, regardless of how others may choose to be.

When the world is grieving its losses, desperate for greater perspective, and hungry for change, but without a willingness to face the choices and potential discomfort necessary for progress to occur, may we anchor the vibration of courage that invites all hearts to remember how necessary each contribution remains.

Even when the world seems like an immovable wall of stagnation that seems impossible to scale, may we anchor the vibration of empowerment that allows the perception of dense walls to dissolve in the presence of light only your soul can reflect.

For, if you are here to be in the world, but not of the world, then now is the time to focus your energy on being whatever seems missing from the world in view. It is much like a cosmic potluck, where instead of seeking sustenance from the plates of other people’s creations, you allow yourself to be fully nourished by what you bring to the party.

No matter the circumstances in view, may you say out loud or silently to yourself:

“May I anchor the vibration of _______ for myself and the world around me, regardless of how I feel or what I choose to believe. Thank you beloved Source for delivering this vibration to all who are ready to receive it and may it begin with me.”

We invite you to repeat this powerful mantra as often as necessary, as a way of reminding you — there is no moment too big to serve, there is no action too small to count.

Let us unite our intentions and shine together as One. Now is the time.

Live Brightly,

Matt & Joy Kahn

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2 Comment(s)
  • Lisa Ditommaso says:

    Grateful for the flow of this gorgeous message for 2025. I am exactly moving thru this process of January energies. The Sun analogy is perfect. You are both Divine Light for EACH of us!!

  • Lisa Ditommaso says:

    January 2025 is showing us to mosey, BE with each day as the sun IS. I know I have a seat at the table, I AM experiencing Lite, Soul and Ego transcend ALL aspects of me (little self, high heart). I feel confident, capable and a bit excited to transcend.

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