High Council Of Sirius

The High Council of Sirius: Everything is Speeding Up

by Chellea Wilder

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

It is a joy to be connecting with you, thank you for this transmission.

Reality seems to be accelerating at an unprecedented rate, moving forward with a velocity that many of you are finding overwhelming. It’s as if the very fabric of your existence has been placed on a fast track, propelling you through your daily lives in a manner that feels far removed from the normalcy you once knew.

The routines and patterns that once defined your existence are now shifting, morphing into something entirely new and unfamiliar. Everything within and around you is undergoing a profound transformation, and this metamorphosis is not isolated to individuals, but resonates throughout all of humanity. What used to be a familiar landscape is now just a distant memory, a flicker of a time that feels increasingly irrelevant.

You stand at a crucial juncture in the history of your race, a pivotal moment that calls for introspection and decisive action.

Each individual now faces a choice: do you wish to ascend into this emerging paradigm, or do you find yourself tethered to the outdated ways of being that no longer serve you?

The energies surrounding you are becoming more potent and vibrant, illuminating even the darkest corners of your existence, ensuring that nothing remains hidden from view.

Where you choose to position yourself vibrationally will significantly influence your experiences throughout this ascension process.

As the reality around you transforms, so too must you evolve–physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you find that these changes are not manifesting in your life, it is imperative that you take proactive steps to elevate yourself into the realm of Light.

No one can undertake this journey on your behalf; the responsibility lies solely with you. Every moment presents a choice to embody Love and Light, to radiate positivity and compassion.

Conversely, if you find yourself casting judgment upon others or projecting negative energies toward your fellow beings, you are resisting the very change that is essential for your growth. This is not the fault of anyone else; it is a reflection of your own choices and mindset.

You have the power to decide whether to be a kind, generous, and loving individual, or to remain ensnared in a cycle of negativity and separation.

To elevate your vibrational frequency, it is essential to engage in acts of kindness and to share your inner Light with the world around you.

One could play uplifting music and meditate for hours, yet still fail to reach the higher vibrations they seek if they remain anchored in old patterns of behavior.

This transformation is a deeply personal journey that requires conscious effort and commitment. It necessitates a fundamental shift from a mindset rooted in separation to one that embraces unity consciousness, recognizing that you are all interconnected threads in the vast tapestry of existence.

As you progress along your personal journey, it is vital to reflect on how you engage with your fellow humans. Do you wield judgment as if it were a game, casting it about carelessly? Or do you strive to treat others with the same respect and kindness that you wish to receive?

Humanity has, in many ways, forgotten its intrinsic connection to the infinite spirit, leading to a disconnection from one another. This forgetfulness has fostered an environment where separation and division thrive, rather than unity and compassion.

Now is the time to reclaim your Truth, a Truth that asserts you are a Divine spark of the great spirit. This spark resides within each of you, a testament to your inherent connection to the Infinite Spirit of God.

Recognizing this truth not only elevates your own consciousness but also reinforces the bonds that unite all Beings. You are all part of a greater whole, and it is through the acknowledgment of your shared divinity that you can begin to heal the rifts that have formed between you.

Embrace this journey of transformation, and let your Light shine brightly for all to see.

As everything around you shifts into higher vibrations, things are speeding up for you.

The ascension is moving very fast now. It is time to make the choices necessary to move forward in the light.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com.


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1 Comment(s)
  • Donna says:

    I have been feeling this from before the last big eclipse that everybody was excited about and I kept saying something more to this eclipse and some of the other major astrological moves that have happened after that with full men’s retrograde Mercury. I was beginning to think that I was crazy. Thank you for writing this article. Donna

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