Straight From The Heart
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  • Valerie Donner – Straight from the Heart – 2025 January 8

Valerie Donner – Straight from the Heart – 2025 January 8

Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings, I am Apollo. In the flurry of the moment, I see that you are progressing well. Things are changing rapidly and it is for good reason. The old 3D material world is no longer suitable for our beings of light. You already know this, and I am confirming it. Much is required of you now as you transform into your purely multi dimensional self. You need to let go of the old baggage, which will no longer have any significance in your New World. You’re moving into the Golden World, into the Golden Age, and this is your new Golden Year. In your future, the streets will truly be lined with gold. Everything will be golden, especially your hearts. Please ignore most of what is going on in the material world because it is a distraction. Your focus should be on the light and loving, along with tending to your physical body, as best as you can, while these shifts occur. We welcome you home.

Yes, ground crew, everything is changing in our New Golden World of 2025. We do not have much longer to hover in the third dimension. Those who are not of the light are kicking up their heels while trying everything to maintain control. It is not working. We can see this whenever we venture out into the old material world. For some of us, it is getting increasingly challenging to go into that energy.

The media mumbo-jumbo from both main stream and some alternative media, continues to spread non-truth. It is obvious who is working for the Light and who is serving self. It is getting even more clear so why waste your energy giving it any attention?

We are all in limbo as we prepare for change that will happen in the blink of an eye. This means we are getting ready for the Solar Flash. I highly recommend watching this 16 minute video from the Pleiadian’s called “The Truth Can Change Your Life. Enjoy Your Final Few Days/The Solar Flash Moving

For the last week or so, I could feel a big cry coming. It happened on Saturday, January 4. I was quietly doing my morning reflections and feeling the energies, when all of a sudden I started crying because my heart was cracking open. I had uncontrollable sobbing that went on for a long time. It was for tears of joy because I heard “Mission complete.” And I heard “The Gateways of Heaven are open. The ordeal is over. Earth is free. This is the final countdown.”

I believe this message came from the Creator into my heart so I could share it with you. It was confirmation that all of the hard work that we have done to free the Earth from the throes of the planetary controllers is complete. It makes me want to cry again when I say this because I can feel it in the depths of my soul. The Earth is free! Now we can move into the Golden Age and live in love, abundance, joy, harmony, peace, beauty, light, freedom, celebration, caring and compassion for each other and all of life. We will truly be celebrating with our galactic family, the masters, the archangels, all of creation, and having our homecoming.

Glory be and thanks to all of you, ground crew, to all the beings of Light, in all the different realms, unto eternity! Please savor every moment, do the best you can while we have these last few weeks of a bit of rockiness, and be grateful that you were chosen to be here during this most important time in the history of creation.

In my last update from December 12, 2024, I talked about another aspect of myself named Aravella, who is a Fleet Commander, and I asked other commanders to contact me. About six people contacted me and I want to thank them. I spoke with some of them and had some amazing information come my way. It would be fun to keep this going, so if any of you know you are a commander of the galactic kind, please contact me at: Let’s see if we can get some kind of connection with each other. It feels like it’s time.

On December 5, 2024, I received the following message from Aravella, “A lot of assumptions have been made about space people. There is so much you don’t know. Your planet is ready for us to come together in unity. All of life is one.

It is time for the lies and cloaking to stop. We are here as one family. We are a part of the same creation with our one Creator.

Soon we will make ourselves known in the clarity of the day. Those who have lied to you and covered up the truth, will be no longer. This revelation will bring great happiness. We are the good star beings from where you came. You already know us and we know you. We are family first and foremost.

We have many wonders to share with you. We will work together to transform the Earth. We will live every day enjoying happiness because we are including the beautiful Earth and her people back into our lives and creation.

We welcome you with open arms and loving, warm hearts. We are one in unity and peace. We love you.

Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on January 8, 2025

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council.

I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. We are excited and happy to be with you during your big shift into the Golden Age. You are remarkable beings and there is so much we want to tell you.

As experts on ascension, we Pleiadian’s assist other planets with their ascensions. We have been with the Earth throughout eons of time. There has been ups and downs in this process. It has taken far too long. You know it and you have suffered along with the Earth. Now the days of suffering are nearly over. We congratulate you and we put our arms around you in joy and happiness. You have reached the ultimate reward—your freedom.

We can see you standing in the Golden Light with the Earth surrounded by the most loving beings of creation. There are angels and gods and masters and beautiful ships of light with dragons and butterflies and unicorns and fairies. Everything you have dreamed of is the Golden Light. It is your future. It is beautiful!

The Golden Light will get you where you want to go. Your bodies become infused with it. Your hearts are full of it. Your vibrations are of the highest intensity that can easily be touched by more Golden Light and go much higher. It is the time of magic and miracles that you have been promised. This is how creation works when you are allowed to be one with it. This is your time of glory and our honor to see this occur.

We are all excited to do this dance of ascension and the Golden Light with you. You have earned it!

I am Mira sending you Golden Light from my heart.


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