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  • The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 11, 2025

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 11, 2025


Blossom Goodchild: Well, hello! Here we are in the new year, looking forward to some extreme changes for the better.

Federation. of Light: Welcome to you Blossom and Each one, whose Soul’s longing finds its way to these communications. We are excited to be with you once again, Blossom, after this short break.

Firstly, may we remind you that your Strength and Power that resides within, shall become more and more apparent as your ‘time’ passes.

With each encounter you undergo, be it that it feels wonderous or not so …

Know …


Whatever comes your way …

accept IN LOVE …

process THROUGH LOVE …

and allow your Being to EXUDE LOVE … in every given situation.

When you remember to do this … life will offer you so much Love in return.

As you allow yourselves to be filled with the LOVE that you know yourselves to be … you will find yourselves experiencing life at a different level. Things will appear the same and yet, they will seem different and you will Know what we mean as you experience this.

On a global level, many, many changes are to take place … and although they may not make immediate sense … KNOW … that The Plan that is underway, will prove that what is taking place, is without question, for THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL.

Thank you for that opener! It certainly feels as if this year is going to bring about many changes. We all desire with our hearts, that this will be the case.

Blossom, and All, have you not lived through many changes already?

Yes, yet, I can’t say they felt that they were for the Highest Good of All. Not at all.

And yet, all that has taken place in the last few years, has led you to be where you are now. Within yourself and the situation that is upon your Planet at this time

How exactly would you describe this situation?

One that requires diligence and TRUST. It is not new to you that much has been taking place behind the scenes, and within the coming months much of this will be brought to Light.

The situation is reaching a peak.

As the darkness is revealed for what it TRULY is … The Light also shall do the same.

Within all that is to be exposed … little by little … those who have been asleep will awaken and Each One of you shall be in position ready and waiting to assist.

However, there is the possibility of a great divide.

We have seen this already, haven’t we?

Indeed, and yet, this shall be of a different nature.

How so?

There shall be those who refuse to believe what is before their very eyes. They will find themselves unable to absorb the information, for it shall be so far removed from any thinking possibilities they may have had.

So, are you saying it shall be similar to those who had very different opinions regarding what was good for our well-being in the last few years?

Yes. Yet, it is ‘hoped’ that many will come to understand the reality of what has been taking place.

No matter what happens … you are not responsible for another’s choices. Keep this in the forefront of your mind.

Be there for those who require your help. There will be those who oppose your knowledge of Truth and that is their choice.

You can only offer Love and understanding … how another chooses to accept that from you, is up to them.

The thing is, at the moment, the world seems so mad … I don’t know if anyone really knows what is going on.

Yet, it will become clearer and it will make sense as the pieces of the jigsaw ‘slot’ into place.

All you need do is KNOW that your Planet is ‘On the move’. It is heading in the direction of upliftment and LIGHT and the darkness is LEAVING.


No matter how it may seem, with its twists and turns … and as those in Power know not which way to turn … YOU … THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE … shall assist in keeping the Vibration High whilst all is taking place.

You may feel a little helpless in the big scheme of things … and yet … within the big scheme of things … it is YOU that is playing such an important part.

It is YOU … as you remain in your POWER, that makes the difference to the Energies that need to remain at a certain frequency.

Within all the stirring up as the changes take place … YOU … with your Shining Light … never waning … can serve so well by sending out your Light Love from the deepest awareness of your TRUTH. In the KNOWING that by doing so you are keeping not only spirits High … yet, at the same time … raising Energies to a degree that shape and form the dynamics of things to come.

All this … Dearest ones … shall you do … by remaining in your KNOWING AND TRUTH OF WHY YOU ARE HERE … NOW.

It could be so easy to feel tired and ‘useless’. Yet, when you recognise that the feeling of such is merely programming … it can give you a Boost to overcome such derogatory sentiments.



You are finding your Tribes. All around your Planet, Souls are coming together and recognizing each other.


As this POWER increases, so too, the Energy felt by Each One will allow Encouragement and Enthusiasm to take its place within you.

Your weariness shall leave, as results of your labours present happenings that shall bring such Joy to the Soulself.

So many times, in days to come, shall you feel within your Hearts a Knowing of ‘THIS IS IT. THIS IS WHY WE CAME. IT IS HAPPENING. I CAN FEEL IT.’

All this sounds very promising I have to say. Certainly, something to look forward to throughout the madness.

The madness shall continue for quite a while to come … jaw-dropping madness. Yet, you understand that all is to be well, therefore, such insanities shall be accepted by you as the necessities of the ‘Game Plan’.

There shall be much confusion as to who are the Good Guys and who are not. This actually is nothing new.

Yet … KNOW … when it is time … the confusion shall be removed and clarity of the walk to be walked shall be made apparent.

Well, we can only wake up each morning, with the intention of doing our best for the GREATER GOOD OF ALL … have some brekky and boldly go where no man has gone before with powerful aplomb … KNOWING we are succeeding in our mission here on Earth. With the mantra, of course, guiding us as we go.

Indeed, Blossom.




Thank you chaps! Tickety boo. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.


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