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Archangel Michael – The Divine Order is Accelerating your Ascension

by Chellea Wilder

Blessings Beloved Ones,

It is wonderful to connect with you. Thank You for this communion.

Everything seems to be in total chaos within your reality, reflecting that many are within total chaos within themselves. It is important to remember that everything around you affects you. This includes celestial events and alignments.

In these moments, you are finding yourself enveloped in an intense energetic pull. The significance of this period is crucial in these challenging times. You are about to experience the First Full Moon of your calendar year, coinciding with the powerful energies associated with the 1 11 Portal. These celestial alignments will serve as catalysts, compelling you to confront the aspects of your life that you have long been avoiding or conveniently sweeping under the rug.

The energies at play are forcing you to acknowledge and address issues that have been simmering beneath the surface for far too long. What you have previously ignored is now bubbling up into your reality, demanding your attention and resolution. This energetic pull is a profound force that is designed to propel you forward on your journey of ascension.

The process of your ascension is a natural occurrence, a fundamental aspect of the Universal Process of evolution.

Everything around you–be it the environment, the people, or the cosmic energies–affects you in one way or another, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. Thus, when you encounter an intense influx of energy or a portal of transformation, it significantly impacts your emotional and physical state.

Some individuals may experience ascension symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety, or a general sense of overwhelm, while others may navigate this transition more gracefully, finding themselves filled with insights, heightened awareness, and a sense of enlightenment.

It is essential to understand that everyone will inevitably face challenges related to unresolved issues from their past lives or current existence.

Although a divine order has been established to elevate all of humanity beyond the confines of the 3rd dimension, each individual is traversing their unique spiritual path at a quickened pace. The force of this Divine Order is actively pushing and accelerating the process of evolution, making it imperative for you to engage with your inner work.

Throughout the history of the Universe, the process of evolution typically spans millions of years, as understood within your framework of time, to transition between different dimensional spectrums.

Remarkably, you are experiencing this profound transformation in just a few short years within a single lifetime.

This accelerated pace is why the challenges you face may seem particularly daunting and overwhelming at times. The weight of your past, the unresolved issues, and the energetic shifts can create a sense of struggle that feels insurmountable.

Moreover, it is essential to acknowledge that you are constantly being subjected to influences from the Dark Ones, who wish to control your planet. They are trying to stop or slow the ascension of as many Humans as they can.

These forces are the root cause of the chaos and turmoil that permeate your reality.

When you observe a massive number of people being uprooted and losing everything they hold dear, it is crucial to understand that such events are not of God; they are orchestrated with the intention of instigating mass chaos, destruction, and confusion.

During these times of profound change and upheaval, it becomes increasingly vital to find your refuge within. You must cultivate and share your Love and Light with those around you who are in desperate need of a beacon of hope and support.

The Divine Order is accelerating your Ascension.

Those of you, who are aware of this transformation, have the freedom to make the choice to raise yourself in vibration, This is done through the inner work of releasing negative behaviors and beliefs of separation, and connecting with your divine inner truth of Love.

Those who are unaware, make the Choice through the Vibration of their inner truth.

The weighing of the Soul, against a feather, is an Ancient Egyptian understanding of this process. In their belief, if the soul was Lighter than the feather, you would ascend. This meant, you needed to be a good person in your life. Being a caring, kind, and generous individual.

Trusting in the Divine Order means acknowledging that there is a greater plan at work, one that is intricately designed for your highest good.

As you navigate through the ashes of the old world, remember that a new dawn is emerging, one that holds the promise of renewal and transformation.

Have faith that you are cradled in the loving embrace of God, for it is His Light that engulfs you during these precious moments of your ascension. Trust in this divine guidance, and allow it to illuminate your path as you move forward, embracing the changes and challenges that lie ahead with courage and resilience.

Remember that each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.

I Love you, and I am Always with you.

I Am Archangel Michael.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at

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