
A World Upside Down

Editors Note: Our World of Known Personnalities such as Celebrities and Politicians is truly Upside Down. Those we see on TV are in fact dead and represented by clones or actors with masks, and those we believed dead for a long time are actually alive and have faked their death.

This is the accumulated list from Pastor Bob Joyce as Elvis. He has told us quite a few who are alive. There are supposed to be over 900 so this list is still short.

Here’s Elvis aka Pastor Bob Joyce:

Alive & faked death  


Bruce & Brandon Lee 

Michael Jackson

 Princess Diana 

JF Kennedy Jr 

his wife Caroline 

her sister Lauren  

Nicole Brown Simpson is Megan Kelly



Glen Campbell 

John Denver 


Bee Gees  


Freddie Mercury

Marilyn Monroe 

Isaac Kappy 

Patrick Kennedy 

Arabella Kennedy

Robin Williams 

John Lennon 

Yoko Ono  

Joan Rivers 

Kurt Cobain 

Pres. J.F.Kennedy Sr

Kobe Bryant & daughter 

Corey Haim 

Jimmy Hendrix 

Paul Walker 

Bob Marley 


Chris Farley 

Whitney Houston  & daughter 

Roddy Pipers 

Dick  Clark 

Peter Jennings 

Rush Limbaugh -Jim Morrison  

Richard Beland 

Luther Vandross 

Dale Earnhardt 

Johnny Cash 

Shirley Temple 

Janis Joplin 

Big Bopper

Buddy Holly  

Hank Williams 

James Dean 

Dennis Wilson 

Natalie Wood 

Ron McKerman 

John Bonham 

Heath Ledger 

Brittany Murphy 

Patrick Swayze 

Debbie Reynolds  

Annette Funicello  

Joe Cocker  

Lynn Anderson 

Dudley Moore 

Ashley Babbitt 

Anna Nicole Smith 

Elvis brother Jesse  

Amy Weinhouse 

Jon Benet Ramsey  

Heather Rourke 

George Michael 

Elizabeth Montgomery 

7 NASA astronauts  

Seth Rich 

Marty Fieldman 

John Ritter  

Sonny Bono 

Jeffery Epstein  

Mindy McCready 

Erin Moran 

River Phoenix 

Penny Marshall  

Donna Summers  

Dana Pluto  

Andre the Giant 

Kenny Rogers 

Michael Landon 

Theresa Saldana 

Bill Paxton 

David Canary 

Mary Tyler Moore, 

Dudley Moore, 

Princess Grace Kelly, 

Steve McQueen, 

John Candy, 

Kate Spade, 

Mama Cass Elliot, 

Michael hutchence, 

paula Yates, 

Jackie O

George Carlin

Anthony Bourdain

Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Andrew Breitbart

Chris Liddell

Stevie Ray Vaughn 

Tom Petty 

Lucille Ball 

Martin Luther King Jr 

Brian Wilson 

Chef Anthony B 

Davey Jones  

Chester Bennington 

Chris Cornell 

Erin  Moran 

Florence Henderson 

Layne Stanley 

Ricky Hendrix 

Robert Trump (DJT) brother Patty Duke  

Judge Scalia 

Paul Newman  

Donna Summer 

Keith Moon 

Mac Miller 

Edyie Gorme 

Tony Snow-GWBush press sec Brad Nowell  

Caleb Logan 

Conway Twitty 

Keith Wheatley 

Teena Marie  

Rick James  

Frank Zappa  

Mickey Mantle 

June Cash

Seal Team 6 


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