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Summary of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters ∞ Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We would like to give you all a summary of our teachings, of what it means to master yourselves and your reality. And so here is that summary. First of all, you need to be yourself. You were created to be you. You are a unique aspect of Source Energy who is meant to be that unique aspect of Source Energy. Therefore, even if sometimes it looks like someone over there is having a much better time than you are, and it looks that way because they are living a much different life from the one you are living, or because they are much more athletic or gifted in some other way, You still have to be you. Lean into your strengths, your gifts, and do what you desire to do.

Secondly, while you’re being yourself, you want to be true to yourself, which means speaking your truth and feeling your feelings. These are so important because many of the issues that you face in your physical bodies are due to those times when you weren’t allowing yourself to feel what you feel or to speak your truth.

Thirdly, we advise you to go within, to set aside time to be quiet, to listen to what’s happening inside of you, Set aside time to open yourselves up and to receive. You can receive inspiration. You can receive downloads. You can receive intuitive hits, and it is more likely to happen when you take the time to let go of the mental chatter and let go of all of the physical action that you could partake in and just allow yourself to be, to feel, to sense, to intuit. So much good will come out of that. We cannot even express to you in words how beneficial it is for you to meditate, for you to quietly go within and feel around, see what’s happening inside your chakras and let things come to you. There are lots of different ways to do this.

Another teaching of ours is to put your attention on what brings you joy, puts a smile on your face, lights you up, gives you a feeling of relief. You have the power to think a thought, to activate a belief, and to simply focus on something that feels good to you to focus upon. You know what those things are. Some of you know that going to the park, and watching the squirrels, and listening to the birds always puts you in a good mood, but maybe you only do it once a week. There is no limit other than the one you put on yourself to how frequently you can just focus, observe, give your attention to something that warms your heart.

You do not always have to stay informed. You do not have to be on high alert, and so you don’t need to know about everything that’s happening all across your planet if you focus on something that is right in front of you and is giving you a feeling of joy, then you are contributing to the collective consciousness of which you are a part. You are also giving everyone else permission to simply sit and smile because you like what you see. And the world will be a much more peaceful place when everyone gives themselves permission to do just that.

And finally, we would say, relax and know that everything is going to be okay, especially when you are starting to believe that it’s not. There are plenty of things that you will be told you need to worry about. You need to prepare for this or that, because the doom is coming. But how many people are just telling you, ‘Relax and know that everything is going to be okay’? Believe it, have faith, trust, and then you’ll come to that place where you just know it. And those are our teachings, words to live by, and we hope that at least some of it struck a chord with you. We hope that all of it did for some of you.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters and we’re always amongst you.


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