Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel: Abundance Consciousness

by Judith Kusel – http://www.judithkusel.com

Abundance Consciousness

As we ascend further into higher dimensions, let us become aware that in truth there is always more than enough.

Yet I see so many souls still struggling with the concept that there is lack. Indeed, on Universal and Omni-Versal levels such a thing as “lack” is unknown.

What is lacking indeed is the healing, which is still there within you, which helped to create lack consciousness in the first place.

When I had not a cent to my name when my whole life caved in and I literally had to start my life all over again, I finally realized that if I do not do the inner work, and start to address my own inner belief systems regarding lack, fears around it, and more than this, my belief that it is spiritual to not charge for services.

I soon learnt that no matter how spiritual and how much I was accessing, while money was still the energy of exchange, I could not live: literally. I had no home, possessed nothing, and I was living with family at the time.

Yet, family do get resentful at the end of having an extra mouth to feed, and you get resentful if you need to ask for money. It works both ways.

Where does the fear of lack, of such belief system come from?


I had to delve deeply into my parental legacy, and to forgive and release this.

Old vows, oaths, contracts, from other lifetimes and this. For instance, being a nun or monk or being in a spiritual organization, where you were forced to take poverty vows, go out with begging bowls and beg for money or food, slavery and any outward signs of this, which includes monk’s habits, or nuns, etc.

Another form of slavery was when you were a serf and had to vow alliances to your landlord – in other words the land you were living in, was in truth not yours but his. Many souls were indentured, especially those who went to the USA, and Australia, etc. and basically were enslaved.

You need to ask Archangel Michael to help you to release these vows, contracts, etc. and dismiss the angels which are still keeping you to these vows, as well as hand over all the outward signs, like begging bowls, etc. so that the angels can put them into the Violet flame of transmutation.

In the way you speak and act: When you always condemn and judge other people who have money or are jealous or envious of their mansions or homes or made in whatever form your resentment takes. This all just boomerangs back to you and reinforces your belief of lack.

Add to this being fearful of money, or resenting having to pay out money, or hate the banks, or whatever.

Be careful what you are judging, especially when others charge for service. If you believe that charging for service is not spiritual look at the Catholic church who have so much money that they can feed the entire world, and far more.

Churches and religions all survive on others donating money or asking for membership fees. And some, are multi-million enterprises. Some churches in Europe are so filled with gold that they can feed many people.


What I learned: Is to bless the ENERGY of Money, the money in my purse, the money in my bank accounts (when I finally had some money in the bank), and every soul who paid me for my services, as I blessed those who rendered service to me.

For service in truth, is ENERGY exchange. If you do not value the energy you expend, you will start running on empty, and an empty car tank will not take you anywhere. Then resentment starts all over again.

If you truly value yourself, and value the energy you expend, in highest loving service, you will always be open to receiving an equal exchange of energy back.

The best thing to do is the following, to finally get over your own self-sabotaging belief systems:

Take out a piece of paper and a pen, and then have two columns:
Drawbacks of having money Benefits of having money.

Now start listing all the drawbacks of having money. And then list all the benefits of having money. Here go and look at how, with you having money, it is going and will be a benefit not only to yourself but to others as well, for in truth we are all here to render loving service!

Do not stop until you have many more benefits than drawbacks. This will shift you in ways you cannot even imagine right now. Go dig deeper, and then go and visualize how having millions in your back account will enable you to assist others in life enhancing ways.

When you grow your business for instance, you can then employ, or contract other people and it helps them to earn money as well. The more your business expands, the more you can also contribute to philanthropy, can assist communities, etc. Indeed, as Dr. John Demartini used to say, in the USA when you give money to philanthropic organizations, you can deduct this from the taxes you are paying.

Remember to bless the tax man as well.

The more you bless others, the more blessings return to you.

Yes, it means reprogramming yourself.

It means doing the inner work.

First of all, cut up the credit cards. Spend only the cash in hand. And pay yourself first. I have no credit cards and have no debts, as I learnt my lessons the hard way.

Create a saving account, so that you always have a cushion to fall back upon and do not touch some of it, for the realization of your greatest vision to come into form and being. Be realistic.

More than this, look, you could even change the whole system and empower others to live their uniqueness and cocreate a whole new form of life and grow trees, bring holistic ways to the fore, and heal mother earth and all upon her.

And the time is coming when the whole system will change, and everyone will have more than enough. Until this happens, one also needs to make to live, and why not live life and life more abundantly?

For indeed, you have the added benefit that you can eventually give so much away, for free, and live very simply, as I do, because you know that there is always more than enough. The minute you hoard money; you stop its flow. Here too the Universal principle applies keep the flow going, in equal give and take!

More than this: Have a vision which is greater than sum of self.

I have written down that vision, and I know what I am saving towards, and one day I will have my dream come true and it will benefit millions on earth.

Look at where you true wealth is – and this may be in other forms and not monetary form – for instance, a huge heart filled with so much love, a genius in inventing something, or wisdom or whatever. In truth nothing is missing.

It is just in a different energetic form.

That which is truly yours can never be withheld from you.

Use daily affirmations and walk your talk.

More than this, open your arms and state that you are ready and open to receive gratefully and gracefully all the Divine wishes to bestow upon you.

The more grateful you become for what you do have, the more you will receive to be grateful for.


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