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  • The Collective: A Message to Lightworkers – January 16, 2025

The Collective: A Message to Lightworkers – January 16, 2025

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Star Nations families, Earth elements, Fae elders, Angelic legions, Dragon tribes, and other Light Beings known as the Collective.

THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, dear ones!

We are as always very pleased to speak with you today.

And so, our writer has asked us to speak on the fires that have been raging in the Los Angeles area for a number of days now:

COR: My friends, as many are now, I have been horrified at the scenes of destruction happening in southern California over the last week or more.

Perhaps not surprisingly, I see that some people are saying that L A ‘deserves’ this.

They are conflating the dark excesses of the film, television, and music industries with the entire population of southern California.

Others are saying that it’s part of a cleansing alchemy that the Earth is using now, as we enter into 5D. And it may be that, at least in part.

Yet to me, those responses have to do with denial—denial of the pain being experienced by many thousands of people who have lost homes, jobs, schools, community. Perhaps even a loved one.

It also strikes me as a ‘spiritual bypass,’ where it feels better to phrase things in a high-toned spiritual way, to protect ourselves emotionally.

Other people are responding on a political level, noting that there were identical forms of destruction in the Lahaina fires on Maui in 2023, such as melted glass and metal, which fire alone doesn’t get hot enough to do.

They also point to purported plans to create smart cities in the destroyed areas.

I find that while there may be real truth to aspects of the spiritual and the political outlook, they do not actively support the plants, animals, and humans experiencing this devastation.

I’m using the cool Transmuting Violet Flame of Saint Germain, and calling out to the Angelic legions to assist however they are permitted to do so, yet it’s easy to still feel we’re not doing enough to help.

I appreciate any Wisdom you can share with us!

THE COLLECTIVE: First, we wish to assist everyone in coming out of the very taxing and debilitating emotional state of panic and feelings of loss, as well as shock at seeing how much has been consumed by flame since the fires began.

And so, we are flowing energies to you in this message, to assist you in returning, as you are ready and able to do so, to a general feeling of calm, knowing that whatever the losses and upheaval may be, there is still a powerful flow of Light in the Universe and on Earth that assures one, “All is well.”

Our writer has been sharing with many the phrase from the 14th century Christian mystic Julian / Juliana of Norwich, who wrote so beautifully on the issue of suffering: “All is well, and all is well, and all manner of things shall be well.”

What you are entering into in the fifth dimension is far greater than the forms of experience you knew in the third dimension.

Most assuredly, it will appear that Earth is still firmly stuck in the third dimension for the most part, given this sort of destruction, as well as war, poverty, inequality, and other issues still knocking at the door, begging to be solved or dissolved.

We are aware of the great suffering and shock that many feel now, and have felt in this and many lives, as a result of harsh experiences.

And yet, the range of experiences that human beings actively choose to take on in an Earth life is magnificent in its way.

Each person decides, before incarnating once again, what soul qualities they would most like to develop in their next life in the physical, and what circumstances and relationships might bring about that growth.

And so, though it feels to be a ridiculous thought, nearly all choose traumatizing situations and events quite intentionally, for quite a number of Earth lives.

Often this is to bring up the pain experienced in other Earth lives from those same situations, and to fully face and heal that great fissure within, between Love and fear.

At other times, a person desires to experience themselves what they have in another life put upon another, to release the pattern of victimizing others by experiencing victimization themselves.

There are other scenarios as well, such as the opportunity to plant great Light into a particular illness or form of violence.

Yet we wish simply to remind you: none of this is put upon a person, but chosen by them.

This we do not see as a spiritual bypass moment, so much as a way to view the other person as still in charge of their life, fulfilling choices made while still in the higher realms, for reasons of their individual path of soul growth.

Most assuredly, there are many engaging in some form of “bypassing the bigger issue” now, as they prefer to remain in duality of the idea that some deserve their harsh circumstances.

We do not support this, nor do we judge another’s path.

We would say merely, that in deciding to move up to the fifth dimension, humanity and Mother Gaia have entered into a new phase of release.

Release from the Age of Destruction is not a neat nor a calm undertaking.

Over the many thousands of years that humanity has been held in entrainment to a lower vibrational reality, human beings were programmed to believe that a fight for survival was the only reality available to them.

In modern times, many have moved beyond survival into various forms of comfortable living, where they need not worry about hunting or tending crops in order to have food or shelter.

Yet for most, the fear of death and the impulses of survival thinking still run much of their day, answering to programming and old trauma, calling to them from deep within the subconscious.

Yet great and quite powerful higher Light now flows to the Earth from your Sun Sol—sentient Golden Light particles that share the power and presence of Divine Love.

And in that Light, humanity has been reaching higher in outlook, vibration, and life choices.

Humanity has for a while now, been moving thought, emotion, and spirit out of a place of desperation, fear, and sheer survival.

And so, the old power structure has indeed launched attacks on many places that had been at (relative) Peace.

We speak now to all affected by the fires or scenes of war, whether physically present there, or present mainly in their heart-mind.

Those of you not in those situations, and not working hard to find food, safe shelter, and medicine, will be more immediately available to assist:

And so, as the first phase of healing from this destruction, and assisting all (both the bystanders and the unhoused), we encourage you to release all notions of victimhood, whether your own or someone else’s.

Consider that every soul is sovereign by nature, and more powerful than you can know.

It is no longer a requirement of the human construct, to suffer from outer situations as if these decided one’s whole life.

Purely because someone is experiencing shock or trauma at present, including loss of home or community, does not mean they have been “set back” in ways that will take many years to recover from.

For many, even those with children or elders to care for, it will simply be a new beginning, and a new phase of their life.

Each person has the power to decide how long they will remain in a traumatized state.

Trauma can be released by calling upon and drawing in their own soul power, in addition to outer helps such as community support, counseling, meditation, and energy healings.

Giving Thanks for even the smallest positive aspect of their current life is empowering many now!

Thankfulness is a freeing and powerful Abundance practice that draws even more positive situations to the Thankful one.

Now, we will say that many have no idea of calling on the power of their soul as an option to dealing with intense stress or shock of any kind.

And this is where all of you who are not having to evacuate your home or deal with the loss of it, can help greatly!

And so, just image one child or adult, or one family, who has experienced destruction such as the fires or armed conflict, as sitting quietly with palms facing up, as you do the same.

Visualize a great column of higher Light pouring down into them from their soul and the higher realms.

See it flowing straight down through all the chakras and energy centers in and around the body, and all throughout the body itself.

As that Light brings in the presence of their higher self, and opens the crown chakra to receive even more Light and more Wisdom and guidance, see them moving out of shock and upset.

See them releasing unconscious connection to the fear, grief, and shock of others, and moving calmly into a place of great Peace.

Breathe out . . .

See them releasing all panic and trauma, and remembering their higher aspect intuitively.

Breathe in slowly, then slowly breathe out a sigh of relief, on their behalf.

See them moving into calm, while also allowing healing of all painful memories coming up from other lives in which they also experienced times of destruction.

And know that as you offer this to one person or one family, you offer it to all.

If your heart is more with the animals or the trees, offer this to them. They will be very Thankful to you.

These dear ones may cry, yes. They may have trouble sleeping, as many would.

Yet as they release the stress of this circumstance, as they allow themselves to cry or express their trauma in other ways, such as through creative output, they are releasing the trauma of many lives lived in harrowing, life-threatening situations.

This is the jewel of the lotus, even if you feel that suffering is not the way forward.

In these quiet moments, speak aloud words of comfort and reassurance to them, and know that their Angels are carrying those words and those energies to them now.

Declare their suffering ended, along with all of humanity’s suffering, in all parts of the world.

We would agree that the time to learn through suffering is ended now, as Earth’s people are releasing that old idea.

Yet for now, much release is needed of the third dimension and all its toxicity, even in a context such as this, in which it may appear that the old power structure has taken control of the moment.

It has not.

See that Light pouring down from your own soul, dear ones, as well as your soul family and each of these persons’ soul families.

See it filling your and their physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies full of Light!

The Light of reassurance, of strength that releases all outer cues to feel hopeless or isolated.

The Light of Divine Love, which can never abandon anyone, for any reason.

As you claim your own strength, and image others doing the same, you demonstrate that instead of weakening so many, this situation has only shown them their true power—of Creation, healing, and reliance only on the life force that flows through them from Source itself.

You may have already seen the images of countless piles of donated food, clothing, pet food, and other items filling donation spaces in the Los Angels area, and heard of the many millions in donations pouring in to assist those who have become unhoused.

A tearful Jimmy Kimmel shares scenes of donations and volunteer support in Los Angeles

More support will follow, dear ones.

Yet do your work, Light Being! In part, you have come in for this!

And so, aid these ones energetically, as they call out for that now!

Many of these ones were your friends and family in other lives, and as you reconnect with them in the etheric, believe us—they will feel the Love and support you send them.

The plants, trees, and animals are already sending one another exactly that kind of support, and honoring those lost on the physical plane, though [lost] not in the etheric.

They shall return.

We will speak again on this issue, yet for now, gift those in California and other troubled places in the world with the reminder of their own soul’s power, and the love of their soul family!

All is well, dear ones! You are never alone, even in this great time of Transition.

Evermore, you are of the Light.

And the Light heals all.



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