Steve Beckow

We are an Ascension Team


January 20, 2025 by Steve Beckow of GAoG

On this day of the inauguration of President Trump, I recall what Matthew Ward said:

“Celebrations this year can include a significant step forward in ridding Earth of darkness. We are referring to the United States’ presidential election. Most people see it as a political contest that Donald Trump won. Light beings throughout this universe see it as a stellar victory for the Light.” (1)

Just as President Trump is fighting the attempt of this planet’s elite to take control of the world, so are we lightworkers and lightholders using the opportunity to birth new capabilities in consciousness and heart knowing. The one is protective; the other is creative.

What I wanted to discuss here is how we servants of the Light here right now – not all probably, but the vast majority, I’m willing to bet – are an Ascension Team.

Certainly the galactics and celestials say we are. Let’s look at how they see it.  Here’s Mira:

“We are grateful to you for all that you’ve done being the best of the very best of ascension teams. You are the chosen ones and you are deeply loved and appreciated throughout all of creation.” (2)

“Chosen” in the sense that many folks wanted to come and be part of this ground-breaking Ascension (3) and were not in the end picked. So there actually are “ascension teams”! And we’re one of them.

The Divine Mother explains where it’s all headed:

Divine Mother: Many of you have come to work with your star brothers and sisters, because, do not forget, we know the attention in the moment is on the Ascension and the completion of this wondrous, wondrous anchoring of love.

But the next phase, dear heart, is the ripple effect out into my universes. So, many of you will be focused on working with your star brothers and sisters and the next Ascension. (4)

So not just out into my universe, but “out into my universes”; hence, the multiverse. And working on the next Ascension.

Archangel Michael agrees that this is only the beginning.

Archangel Michael: “Do not forget, sweet angel, that this is the beginning, the domino effect of many planetary ascensions. (5)


What are other sources saying on the matter? Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self:

“There will always be help needed somewhere in the Cosmos and you are going to step up and put your experience to good use helping others to follow in your footsteps.” (6)


Michael had this to say to me, something that I’m sure applies to many:

AAM: You have travelled with me, throughout the multiverse, and you have stood by my side, as we have gone to situations, dimensions, universes, where there had need to be or desire to be the energetic shift. (7)

That’s part of it. But it doesn’t take the rest of us into account. Blossom’s Federation of Light does:





That’s a pretty darned complete statement. Is this our first and only time? Universal Logos Sanat Kumara, addressing all listeners of An Hour with an Angel in 2017, says not.

Sanat Kumara: Oh yes. We are old friends. There are some, what would you call them, newbies upon the planet and they have mostly traveled from various sectors of the universe, but most of us, my friends…we have been at this in and out of various forms for a long time. No, you have this saying upon your planet, “This is not our first rodeo.” (9)

I leave the last word to the Mother. Of her, Michael tells us: “The Mother … is the ultimate architect.”
(10) She explains:

Divine Mother: This is the process [as we’ve discussed it]. This is the reconstruction, and, let’s face it, you are the models for this. You are the template, and you are the template not because we are doing experimentation. You are the template because you have said, “I desire, I choose, I wish, and I will do this.” (11)

So not only is this mass, physical Ascension into a new, interdimensional region of space a cosmic first, to be followed by other ascensions, but we are the models, the template, the result.

We are the wayshowers. We are the team that travels the multiverse applying the lessons learned. We are an Ascension team.


As I watch President Trump’s pre-inaugural victory speech, I’m taken back to 1961 and what hopes we had now that President John F. Kennedy was in power. I feel the same way today.

I’m sure the president has our star family’s protection. I’m sure we’re not going to have a repeat of 1963. (12) We’re destined to rise while the dark elite is destined to leave the stage, ascending at another time.

In my view and in my hopes, that destiny makes this point in time – the election of Donald Trump – a turning point, the beginning of a reversal of fortunes for the good for Planet Earth. We have so much to look forward to when the controlling hand of the deep state is lifted.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 3, 2024, at

(2) “Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, March 31, 2023,” April 1, 2023, at

(3) On the ground-breaking nature of our Ascension, see:

(4) “The Divine Mother: The Table is Set; You are Ready for the Dance,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sep. 18, 2014, at

Steve: The next assignment is in the Seventh Dimension?

Archangel Michael: You will have a choice of planetary systems. This is just the warm-up for Ascension. It is to bring a further rise of vibrations to those throughout the Universe.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.) (Hereafter AAM.)

(5) AAM, March 24, 2015.

(6) “Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 16, 2023,” at

(7) AAM, March 3, 2011.

(8) “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, June 25, 2023,” at

(9) “Sanat Kumara: Universal Law, Operating System for Nova Earth,” via Linda Dillon, July 21, 2017, at

(10) “Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” via Linda Dillon, June 13, 2014, at

(11) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 10, 2014, at

(12) When a double impersonating President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas and we all suffered “the return of the suits.” Of course we did not know then that it was a double. It was a terrible blow to anyone who wanted to see an international move towards equality and integrity.


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