Project Stargate

Project Stargate

“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.” ~ Sun Tzu

Trumps announcement of “Project Stargate” with the likes of Sam Altman and Larry Ellison has left us all in total bewilderment, specially when the conversation turned from Data Centres and AI to mRNA vaccines. What?! 😱

I’ve been scratching my head for answers all day long. It feels so blatantly in your face to announce something like this on day 2, knowing full well that his supporters would find this shocking, that I have to believe that there is a hell of a lot more to it than meets the eye. (There always is…)

Let’s start with the name – “Stargate Project” is the same as the CIA’s Project Stargate, a Cold War-era program focused on extrasensory perception (ESP), it also happens to match numerically with the words “triple-stranded DNA” in gematria. 🤔

The name “Stargate” also draws parallels with the movie and series by the same name, known for themes of portals, time travel, and DNA manipulation, suggesting a coded message or symbolic significance…? 🤔

A couple of months ago Shawn Ryan brought to our attention the CIA’s Stargate Project and Tucker Carlson, less than a week ago reported on Sachir Balaji. 

Suchir Balaji worked as an engineer for Sam Altman building AI, until he decided that Altman was committing crimes. Balaji became a whistleblower, and soon after was found dead in his apartment. California authorities claim it was suicide. Crime scene photos clearly show a murder.

Now Trump puts that man, Sam Altman, front and center as they announce the formation of Stargate? Only to follow that announcement with statements of Stargate speeding up the process for individualized mRNA vaccines?!

Not long ago Elon said: 

“I don’t trust Sam Altman, and I don’t think we want the most powerful AI in the world controlled by someone who’s not trustworthy.” 

So Elon is seemingly not on board with this Stargate Project and yet he seems very on board with Trump’s overall mission, so this in itself raises some questions. Also, what about RFK Jr? How does MAHA fit into this  AI/mRNA nightmare? 

So what if this is Trump’s way of exposing the Big Tech psychos? What if it’s a means to bring to the spotlight the Transhumanist Agenda? The Digital Matrix? The dystopian future of the globalist elites? What if he’s just giving them rope for them to hang themselves on? What if that’s how you make them fund their own exposure? 

Yes, yes, I know it sounds like wishful thinking, but Trump has done this all along. In fact the last four years have been about letting the enemy expose itself, making people see how bad it could get. So what if this is some genius way to make the Big Tech guys fund their wet dream of global AI domination just to watch them destroy themselves, just like the woke crowd did? 

I’m thinking out loud here… but, what if?

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