Quan Yin
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Quan Yin – You are now in Alignment with the 5th dimension

Nama’ste, my Earth Family.

I am Quan Yin,

Thank you for connecting with me.

In these precious moments, You Are Now in alignment with the 5th Dimension. This alignment is enhancing your awareness, and heightening your spiritual abilities.

As you embark on this remarkable journey, deeper into the ascension energies that are currently permeating your collective existence, you find yourself immersed in an extraordinary and transformative process of aligning with a higher awareness and your innate spiritual abilities. These abilities, have always existed within you, and have remained dormant for far too long. Akin to seeds lying in wait for the right environmental conditions to sprout, grow, and ultimately flourish into their fullest expression. 

However, as you consciously raise your vibrational frequency, these latent abilities become increasingly enhanced, granting you access to a profound reservoir of potential that was previously obscured by layers of doubt and limitation. The act of releasing what no longer serves your highest Light is a crucial and essential step in this transformative process. This release involves letting go of limiting beliefs, outdated patterns, and emotional baggage that weigh heavily on your spirit. Once you begin to shed these burdens, the flow of transformation becomes much more effortless and fluid, akin to a river flowing freely without obstacles in its path. This newfound clarity and openness create a fertile ground for the enhancement of your physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities, facilitating a more harmonious existence that aligns with your true purpose. 

As you continue in the ascension, you are aligning with your highest spiritual path, which is not solely an inward exploration but also encompasses an emotional refinement that is vital for your growth. This transformation encourages you to cultivate a state of being that allows peace, Love, and compassion to guide your actions and thoughts, shaping your interactions with the world around you. Embracing this new way of being signifies that you are stepping into a higher understanding, recognizing the intricate tapestry of life that connects us all. 

Adjusting to the higher frequencies associated with the fifth dimension can indeed present challenges, as it necessitates the release of any ingrained beliefs that foster a sense of separation from the Infinite Source of Creation. This pivotal understanding underscores your interconnectedness with all of creation, illuminating the profound truth of your connection with one another as fellow human beings. 

As you enter these elevated frequencies, your alignment with the Light facilitates the emergence of your spiritual abilities, allowing them to surface in ways that may have previously felt inaccessible or beyond your reach. The higher in Light you ascend, the more effortlessly you can manifest your highest potential. However, it is crucial to understand that this manifestation is not just about attracting material possessions or seeking external validation; rather, it is about embodying your true essence and purpose in a way that reflects the highest ideals of Love, compassion, and unity. Your journey through this ascension process is a profound testament to the power of transformation, serving as an invitation to embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead as you continue to elevate your consciousness and align with the divine flow of creation. In this expansive journey, you may discover that your heightened awareness allows you to perceive the subtle energies around you, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world and the cosmos. You might find yourself drawn to practices that enhance your spiritual growth, such as meditation, energy healing, or connecting with nature, each serving as a catalyst for your ongoing evolution. Ultimately, as you navigate this transformative landscape, you will uncover the boundless potential within, paving the way for a life rich with purpose, joy, and profound fulfillment.

May you be filled with Eternal Love and Peace.

Message to The Awakened ones, from Quan Yin.

Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com.

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