Commander Vrillon
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The Take-Down – Commander Vrillon of Ashtar Galactic Command

Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.

Thank you, Ambassador, It is wonderful to connect with you, and also to those who will be hearing, and reading our Transmission.

Today we bring you an update on your Current Timeline. This involves the Understanding of the History of your Race, and it’s enslavement under Dark Control.

Most humans are unaware of the intricate and expansive reality, that lies beyond the limited scope of their everyday perceptions of their world. They do not truly comprehend the vastness of existence that extends far beyond their immediate surroundings and experiences. Consequently, they remain oblivious to the multitude of different races and civilizations that inhabit this magnificent creation, each with its own unique history, culture, and purpose. This lack of knowledge is a profound disconnection that has been intentionally created.

Throughout Earth’s history, there have been numerous races from distant star systems that have visited her, each arriving with their own distinct agendas and intentions. Most were positive in nature, while a few were with negative intentions. Among these, the reptilian race, which hails from the Draco star system, stands out as one of the most prominent and influential. This race has been present on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, establishing a covert dominance that has shaped the course of human civilization. The reptilians harbor a belief that they are the rightful owners of Earth and, by extension, the human race itself. They exist within a lower fourth-dimensional vibration, which allows them to manipulate and interact with humanity through genetically modified clones. These clones serve as vessels for the reptilians, enabling them to engage directly with humans, often manifesting in the form of those you refer to as your elites.

The families you identify as the elites have been systematically and genetically manipulated by the reptilian race, all in service of a grand agenda aimed at world domination. These dark individuals are under constant surveillance and control by their reptilian overlords, who view themselves as superior to all of humanity. Meanwhile, their dark counterparts from the Draco and Orion star systems are currently blocked from entering your solar system, unable to return to Earth to reclaim what they believe is theirs. This situation has left those reptilians still present on your planet in a state of chaos and confusion. They are resorting to their age-old tactics of deception and manipulation to maintain their influence over the masses. As the human race begins to awaken to the truth of this manipulation orchestrated by another species, the reptilians find it increasingly difficult to conceal their true nature. Their shapeshifting abilities are being hindered by the rising vibrational currents surrounding the Earth, which complicates their efforts to maintain their human forms. Many of them are now retreating into the shadows, attempting to evade public scrutiny. Yet, it is essential to note that “They can’t Hide From the Light.” The illumination of truth is inevitable, and all hidden agendas are being brought to the surface.

This unfolding reality signifies that the elaborate web of deception they have woven within the matrix is also beginning to unravel. For thousands of years, these negative beings have actively manipulated human perspectives through a variety of means, creating a distorted version of reality that many people accept as normal. As this false reality crumbles, a multitude of truths will begin to emerge, revealing the extent of their manipulation. This manipulation includes the realms of religion, education, medicine, politics, and even with cultural influence. This process of unveiling the deception that has long ensnared the human race is currently playing out on the world stage, and it has been a significant journey for us, your Star Families. We have been engaged in conflict with the forces of darkness under Divine Order. The take-Down has begun of these Dark forces still on Earth.

Throughout the vast universe, these malevolent beings have enslaved countless other races, conquering every planet they have encountered. Many of your Star Families have their own histories of encounters with these dark entities, equipping us with the knowledge and resilience needed to confront whatever challenges they may present. The separation from their main forces has been a crucial step in dismantling their stronghold on Earth.

While many of you are mentally and spiritually prepared for these monumental changes to occur, it is important to recognize that the majority of humanity is not. For most individuals, the revelations that are coming forth will be a total shock, a jarring awakening from a long slumber. Those of you who have remained vigilant and aware of these messages, have taken the necessary steps to prepare yourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually, for the transformations that are on the horizon. You are the leaders of this new era, and it is crucial to embrace your significance in these times. Your role is to help guide the human race as it advances out of the grasp of the dark controllers. The evolution of both Earth and humanity is essential under this Divine Order, and your contributions are pivotal in steering the collective consciousness towards a brighter and more liberated future.

We are here, and are of Service to the Light.

Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at

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