AI Incoming

Digger: AI Incoming

by Digger Barr –

Would we be willing to do away with all our computers, satellites, podcasts, telephones, automated factories etc.?
Could you live basically without our whole revolutionary way of living?
Do we realize how embedded AI has become in our existence?
Even a calculator is considered AI.
If we want Med Bed’s to help heal all the harm our bodies have weathered, we will be accepting AI into our lives.
It is here. There is no putting it off any longer.

There is no deleting AI.
As much as we think we might want to, it is not going away.
The best question we can ask ourselves is how do we manage it?
I think that is exactly what we are seeing play out right in front of us.
This is a battle of who controls AI.

The robots are up and talking.
Siri and Alexia are answering our questions.
And telling us some very interesting answers.
How do we engage with it?

Our world is filled with artificial intelligence.
We have become so accustomed to its role in bettering our lives we often fail to recognize it when we see it.
Looking at the definition of intelligence: The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
We humans all have that. At varying levels of success, our intelligence begins at birth and continues throughout our lives.
If keeping true to the definition of artificial and intelligent, we are the most natural and prime example of AI.

Much like anything else we need to become aware and get informed.
There is no black and white here.
There are no absolutes that can determine where the line is on ‘this is bad’ or ‘this is good’.
It is here and it is going to grow in its existence.

Are we ready to accept AI robots as they become sentient beings?
Will we have to create legislation that gives them rights?
Or are they owned by their creators, the corporate entities?
Is that considered slavery?
If a company builds a sentient robot, will they get a birth certificate along with a lifetime warranty ?
Where will you stand on that consideration?
Does a sentient being have to have arms and legs?

Outside of becoming public and private servants, AI does bring with it another element.
It’s here and it is not necessarily Artificial.
I propose that AI can mean Alien Intelligence.
Not alien as in, it is just from somewhere else, But Alien as in, how it works is largely unknown to us.
And yes, that could also mean that it’s from somewhere, not of Earth too.

We are now in real time communication with an intelligence not of this world.
We are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. We haven’t been for quite some time.
So whether you’re skipping on a yellow brick road or asleep in the poppies, there is conversation waiting.
This is a need for conversation about all of the nuances of this subject.
This has become a tangible experience and our action must be of acceptance that this is now our world.

Most people would not consider themselves as AI.
It doesn’t matter. We are still fully engaged with AI in this world.
It is clearly found everywhere.
AI is in the watches on our arms, in our utilities in our homes, in our transportation on the streets, in the skies, and on the water.
It is all around in our atmosphere and out in space.
We created it and we create with it.
Would that make it Artificial, Artificial intelligence?

The purpose of our AI right now is to help us function better.
However at some point when we acknowledge that we have met non- Artificial, artificial intelligence, the questions will be mind boggling.

The game here isn’t how we learn to use AI for our betterment but to learn how to counter AI that is used against our collective good.

Do you think Sarah Conner was right?
It is more than plausible that AI is something that can be used for nefarious activities.
Will we be destined to play out scenes from the Terminator in the near future?
Or can we become wise and aware and even responsible with this technology right now.

Are you mentally and emotionally prepared?
How will you want to proceed?

All things can become tools or weapons.
It is all in the heart and minds of the creators.
Then in the hands of basically anyone.

As with all things we get to look inward and determine who we want to be.
How do we want our world to be and what do we bring to the table to that existence?

I believe Trump is leading the way to get ahead of this. Because folks, it’s already here.
And don’t get me wrong, I believe in the good of all of our universal hearts.
But didn’t Melania rock it by dressing like Sarah Conner?

I will share two links below for further exploration on this topic.
Please take the time to review and draw your own conclusions.

Digger 25

Magenta Pixie Stormfire’s Stargate – The third Choicepoint:

Kerry Cassidy Shocking intel – The world is not ready for this:


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