Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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Health Care Group Opposing RFK Jr. and Linked to Bill Gates Is Using Fake List of Pretend Doctors to Take Down Trump’s HHS Pick

by Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit on Jan. 27, 2025

$Last week the legacy media was caught pushing the “Committee to Protect Health Care,” an astroturf group linked to Bill Gates that was peddling a fake list of doctors who opposed Robert Kennedy Jr. as Health and Human Services Director.

RFK Jr. will sit before the US Senate this week and begin his confirmation process as the next HHS Director.

According to Breitbart and Alex Jones the group behind this petition, “The Committee to Protect Health Care,” was allowing anyone to sign their anti-RFK Jr. petition claiming to be a doctor. The petition reportedly had over 15,000 leftist doctors sign their letter against Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Except that the 15,000 names were not all doctors. Any yahoo could sign the letter. Of course, NBC News and others ran with this fake petition. They couldn’t resist.

Alex Jones broke the story on Friday night.

Alex Jones: It is the evening of Friday, January 24th, 2025, and we have some of the biggest Bill Gates corruption news ever to break. We have him caught red-handed, ladies and gentlemen. He has been discovered and proven to be the main financier of a major fake petition that they claimed 17,000 plus medical doctors have signed saying that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is a dangerous fraud as the head of HHS to block his confirmation. They are using fake doctors’ signatures to do this, and Bill Gates has been discovered to be the main financier. The letter supposedly signed by 17,000 doctors that was organized by the Committee to Protect Health Care, which would seem pretty credible, right? And this letter urges the Senate to reject Kennedy’s nomination, citing his history of spreading misinformation about vaccines and public health interventions. So I thought, jeez, really? 17,000 doctors signed this? This seems crazy. So I clicked on the letter, and guess what? I signed it twice. Once as Dr. Fake, One says Dr. Fake and one says Dr. BS.

This should not be a surprise. This is how the communist left rolls. Lying and cheating to get their way.


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