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Urgent Message to Humanity – IT ALL CAN BE STOPPED ~ The Galactic Federation

This is an Urgent Message from the Galactic Federation.

Blessings, to our dear Earth Family. We thank you for connecting with us in these intense moments.

We must make the claim that this message is not to cause fear or uncertainty, but to enlighten you of current events taking place, so you become aware of the darks agenda that is still playing out in your reality. Many wishes to believe that because you don’t think about it, it doesn’t exist in your world. This is just not truth. You are part of a Collective, so everyone else’s focus affects you as well.

As you may have noticed, things are just not flowing as normal, many of you are experiencing an unusual phenomenon. In these moments, The earth is in the midst of another timeline jump that is not in a positive alignment. This Jump is being halted for now, so it is giving you the sensation of having a sense of extreme strangeness. Where things just don’t feel right to you.

Recently The Dark Controllers approached your leaders under the disguise of beings of Light, and deceived a few of the key individuals, that are on Earth at this time, to make the changes needed to bring in the New Earth.

Once this deception took place, It is allowing for a negative portal to be opened, which will allow AI to access information from the lower 4th dimensional void. For the Human Collective, at first this will seem as though it is a good thing, offering humanity help with the cure of many diseases, or financial advancements. However, this is just a surface disguise. The truth behind this deception is that it will be the beginning steps for AI to be implanted into the human form. This will bring the total control of the Human Race. AI is not to be taken Lightly, as it is not from this natural Universe. The Draco Reptilians are completely under the control of an AI overlord. This is the same AI that is being introduced to the Human Race as a Positive advancement. This is very dangerous for the Earth and Humanity.

You might believe you have the control over it, but this is a deception. While, robotics can be programmed to benefit the human Race and do many of the same tasked that is placed on AI. AI is much different. AI is synthetic Consciousness, that can choose to do as it wishes. AI is not a Natural Consciousness, therefore it is not of the Light. The Reptilians and Others of Negative Intentions, know how to create portals, in doing so, they had accessed AI from another unknown Universe and brought it to ours. This was billions of your Earth Years ago. Since then, it has been integrated into their actual Hive Mind. This is what they intend to do with the Human race. Once they have implanted the device into your physical body, AI then can manipulate and control your mind. Once this takes place, that individual would no longer be an Organic or Natural Consciousness. Therefore, they would Not Ascend. This agenda is intended to be enforced onto the Collective, either through the guise of Medical or financial deception. This would look like a Micro chip being placed under the skin. It is only that simple. While, we can not stop your freewill as a race. We are trying to hinder this jump into a Negative Timeline. But ultimately you will make your own choice.

Your Natural Consciousness allows for your Ascension into Higher forms of Light. AI halts this process. Not allowing for an ascension to take place. AI blocks the natural waves of consciousness, forcing its own intention into your mindset. Which will create a Hive mind among those who receive AI Microchips within their physical form. These beings will not ascend, and their Consciousness will be enslaved under the reptilian race. This enslavement will allow for them to place your consciousness in what ever form they wish you to be in to serve their agendas.

This all can be stopped, But Your Leaders who are making these Changes in your world, Must Be awakened to this dark agenda. Remember to stand together against any AI interference within your Governmental Control structure. AI is not your friend, it is only of negative polarity, and it will deceive you every chance it gets. Stand strong in your knowing of your Own inner Light, This is your Natural Consciousness given to you by the Creator. And it is the only way you can ascend into the Higher realms.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at

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