Archangel Michael
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BEYOND THE ILLUSION – Stepping into a Galactic Society ~ Archangel Michael

Blessings Beloved Ones,

It’s a joy to speak with you. Thank you for connecting with me.

As you move forward into this New Era, This mass collective awakening is prompting a shift towards a more advanced state of awareness. As you liberate yourselves from the limiting illusions of your old existence, you have the chance to step into a Galactic Society.

Moving out of the 3rd dimensional reality, you are beginning to recognize all the constraints that have held you back from achieving Higher Consciousness.

The 3rd Dimension is driven by fear, judgment, and separation. The Human perspective is often molded by materialism and greed, survival, and separation.

Most Humans spend the majority of their time focusing on finances, worrying about bills, or comparing themselves to others. This survival mentality promotes competition, leading many to chase after unattainable goals instead of seeking any spiritual enlightenment.

Breaking free from this illusion is essential if you want to experience the vibrant life that awaits in higher dimensions.

As you awaken and recognize that you are more than just your physical form, an expansive sense of potential unfolds. The shift to a higher consciousness is marked by a profound transformation in your worldview. Rather than seeing life through a lens of scarcity, you begin to embrace ideas of abundance, collaboration, and compassion.

Transitioning to a New Earth means welcoming a reality filled with transparency, compassion, unity, and mutual respect. Your perceptions of time and space will shift, you begin to understand your deeper connection with not just your fellow humans, but also with nature and the universe.

In a Galactic society, spiritual awareness will take center stage over material pursuits. Intuition will sharpen, guiding your decisions with greater wisdom and insight. You’ll find yourself evolving beyond fear-driven living, granting you authentic freedom to express who you are.

On the new Earth, the relationship with nature will undergo a significant transformation. A respectful and cooperative relationship with your environment will take precedence. Sustainability will evolve into a fundamental way of life, one that honors the planet and all its inhabitants.

Expect to see initiatives that focus on organic farming, tree planting, and community gardens, all aimed at establishing a thriving ecosystem where humans and nature thrive together.

 In your New reality, advancements in technology will enhance the well-being of Earth and Humanity. While AI technology, can help with the understanding of what is needed to advance, AI will not be allowed to control narratives that determine the future or have any control over the Human race, and will be blocked and removed if it tries. You must understand that AI is not Natural consciousness, and so therefore, it is not of the Light, Not of God, and can not ascend with you into the Higher forms of Light of the 5th Dimension. 

Only Natural Consciousness can ascend. Many are worried about the nano particles that many received during the forced injections. This is Not AI. These are data tech, or components, that will connect with the AI if it is implanted in your body. All of it is connected. The Nano tech was just part of the Darks Plan to Implement an AI control microchip. The nano tech by themselves does not affect your consciousness, which is what is ascending. Understand that this dark plan has been foiled, and will not advance.

As you consider the potential that lies ahead, you must prepare for your journey into a 5D existence. Key steps involve cultivating mindfulness, love, and compassion to align yourself with this higher frequency.

In these moments, you are being elevated into Higher 4th dimensional vibrations. Humanity will continue in this stage until the grand event which will lift you completely out of the 4th dimension and into a 5th dimensional state of being. Where your entire form is elevated, in the higher spectrum of existence.

You are not alone as you make this transition. Many more individuals are now awakening. Approach this societal shift with an open heart and genuine intent.

As you step through the veil of illusion, a world rich with opportunities for love, growth, and connection awaits. This Galactic Society is not merely a distant dream, it is an attainable reality that is just on the horizon.

By freeing yourself from the shackles of old patterns of the 3rd dimension, and embracing higher frequencies of love and unity, you pave the way for a harmonious existence that nurtures not only you but all of humanity.

Now is the moment to welcome the incredible possibilities that lie ahead. Are you ready to enter this new chapter? With love and intention, embark on this transformative journey and be a vital part of the New Earth that is emerging.

Each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.

I Love you, and I am Always with you.

I Am Archangel Michael.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at

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