Archangel Gabrielle
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Archangel Gabrielle: A Call to Love – How You Can Help Reshape Society

Dear Ones, it is I Archangel Gabrielle. I come to you in this form to represent the beauty of the divine light that I carry, the golden chalice of truth. It is the gift of the love of the Mother and Father that pours through that chalice of truth.

I offer you a gift of transmission, an offering of love to soothe the physical self, to calm the heart and mind, and to assist all who find this message, to open to their heartfelt mission in the world.

For it is part of the greater plan to reinvent the society you live in:

  • The way in which you experience your work
  • How your businesses operate
  • The way that schools are run and how children are treated
  • How your government functions
  • Your monetary systems
  • And more

I could go on for a lengthy period of time listing all the elements both seeking change and being affected by external changes occurring around them. That in some ways, change is deeply being called for from within all these institutions and organizations, even families and individuals – and also many are being externally affected by the choices of others that are not of their own perceptible choice.

So, you have a sense of chaos that is occurring, for not all understand the larger transformation that is occurring around the world, within your universe. For it is the rebirthing the very fabric of your society.

So it is my wish to arm you with every piece of information, every sustaining principal or concept of divine love to assist those you can reach to awaken to their soul’s commitment to help refine, redesign, and reform what is calling for change or has been dismantled by those in power.

It does not matter which has caused the fall of an institution. No matter what is occurring, the opportunity exists to restore what is necessary, without the misuse and abuse of power. And to restore from integrity, human kindness, devotion to the care and concern for all living things and with a commitment of fairness, equality, and egalitarianism for all.

This will require a far simpler solution than may be thought possible. Those affected will call out in earnest need and those who are will to respond from the truth of compassion, seeking to rebuild for the common good, – will prevail in working with them to redesign to meet those needs from an innate sense of commitment to the higher good of all those involved, without the misuse and destructive power dynamic in place that needs to be removed in order to make way for this to occur.

So while the events of the day seemed dramatic, and they are, they will also serve to ultimately topple those in power who abuse it. For as they scrape, claw and twist the public’s eye towards an illusion of power, they are rapidly losing that position.

And it will not represent one political party or another that this fall occurs around. It will reveal the truth and energetic vibration of those in the public domain, as they show themselves for who they are. And then – only then, can greater transparency emerge as changes are made. And while this causes many to tremble, it will also be the cause of the demise of many in misuse of power, for they will not be able to hide what they have done. No longer will it be done behind closed doors as was done in the past. While this may seem more threatening to the masses, it is no different than what has been occurring under many rulers around the world, though simply not on open display.

So, while you calibrate to the many rapidly occurring changes around you, seek to see the truth in any person who desires to make a difference to rebuild, to recast your society in a new way.

  • Do they have integrity?
  • How do they treat those around them?
  • What is the intent of their heart in taking a place or position of influence?

Ask yourself these things as well – as you are given opportunities yourself to make a difference.

  • How can I line most closely with the perspective of unity consciousness?
  • What would the essence of love that I am, seek to do in this situation?
  • How will I find my way forward in the actions that I take to bless the lives of many without unequal distribution of power?
  • How can I contribute to bringing balance and harmony to the world around me?
  • What is within my wheelhouse to make a difference in this world?
  • How can I call others home to love?
  • How can I stand in a position of influence that exemplifies true harmony with nature and all beings?
  • Do I desire this influence from vanity or from devotion to love?
  • What is it I want my life to represent, as I move forward in these changing times?
  • What will I wish I had contributed in such tumultuous times, in a changing world?

I am Archangel Gabrielle, and I leave this with you to ponder your impact, your potential – to bring your light to this changing world from the energy of truth, peace, and love.

Channeled Message from Archangel Gabrielle through Laura Smith Biswas


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