Brenda Hoffman

Brendas Blog: The Next Big Energy Burst

Dear Ones,

It is rest time because the next big energy burst will arrive shortly.

Even though you are familiar with energy bursts, so much has happened in the past few weeks that we of the Universes suggest you take a few moments daily to review your needs and then forget about what you do not have and focus on what feels comfortable or joyful. 

This upcoming energy burst will affect most of you in ways you did not anticipate because, like the bursts of the past few weeks, this energy burst will push you away from 3D Earthly concerns.  Even though that is what you have been hoping for, the result will be somewhat disconcerting initially – similar to moving to a new school or community.  You will not necessarily know how best to proceed and may become frightened or angry.

And so it will be for many transitioning from the 3D world and actions.  Perhaps you wonder why you need to do so, given that you seem to be adjusting to a 3D/new you combo.  ThreeD actions and words will become so painful in the next few days and weeks that you will wish to escape that milieu for your new being.

Many of you also wonder if the Universes set this division of words, actions, and beliefs in motion to help you transition more rapidly.  In truth, you set it up eons ago, knowing that sloughing off 3D words, actions, and beliefs would not be easy in one lifetime.  So you set up transition action markers – once those transitioning reached a certain point, a specific energy burst would be delivered to the Earth by the Universes. 

This upcoming energy burst is one of the strongest you have yet experienced, prodding, pushing, and strongly encouraging you to ignore 3D pain and gravitate to new you wonders.

What once was is no more, including your need to somehow walk the tightrope between 3D and new you.  Your tightrope will be removed in this next energy burst.

How will the elimination of that tightrope affect your day-to-day activities and needs?  The key point will likely be that you no longer worry about 3D impinging on your new life or world.  Similar to no longer worrying about the 3rd-grade bully once you transfer to a different school.  What was is no more, including your concerns about what that bully will do to you and yours.

Perhaps you question that concept because you are concerned about those still affected by the third-grade bully.  You do not yet realize that you and your cohorts will begin emanating a more substantial energy mass than those who remain in 3D, encouraging others to follow your path of comfort and joy instead of pain and fear.

Your vibrations will be stronger than those of 3D, encouraging others to follow your new you lead into a new world. 

Even so, a number will refuse to adjust, change, or comply with the new energy and continue suffering.  There is nothing you can do to change that other than to be yourself as you radiate the new world from your being.

You can protest, send financial resources, pray for peace, or do whatever feels necessary to help others transition.  But the most expressive and substantial element in your new bag of tricks is to be yourself, allowing those in pain to note what their life could be like.

You are beginning to radiate a light that enhances any space you occupy.  No longer do you need to force yourself or your actions upon others.  Your inner light will be a beacon of joy and hope without any effort on your part.  Such has been the case for some time now.

The difference is that until you complete this next energy burst, your inner light is on a dimmer switch.  You will radiate vibrantly by removing anything that dims your inner light.  Perhaps you remember paintings of angels with golden halos or in a golden glow.  You will be that.  And even though you may wish to dim your light at times, such will no longer be possible once you complete this next energy burst. Rest now, for the energy burst will begin near the end of this week. 

Do not fear the odd sensations you experience as you evolve internally.  It is your eons of dreams coming true.  So be it.  Amen.


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