Operation Mockingbird

Guess Who Funds the Mainstream Mockingbird Media?

February 6, 2025 – by Suzanne Maresca of GAoG

Unlikely it’s any different now.

Well…we do.  Or we used to.

We’ve all been hearing the name USAID quite a lot lately, so it may not be much of a shocker to really take in that we’ve been funding our own deception and destruction. Could it be any more of an insult to know that the money the government extracts from its citizens through taxation is used as a matter of course to harm that citizenry?

Echoes of Taxation without Representation fly around in my head as I contemplate with dreamy appreciation the fact that public knowledge will come as the takedowns occur…and by golly, whole agencies are getting shut down, with top criminals being locked out of federal buildings.

This is very juicy stuff!  Dr. Mercola weighed in on an organization that was formed entirely because, in 2022, the cabal caught on that we no longer subscribed to the narrative spewed in lock-step by their media minions.

Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 19, 2022 on zero-sum.org


  • The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was founded by the BBC in July 2019. While TNI claims to promote democracy and freedom, its purpose for being is global information control.
  • Partners in the initiative include global media outlets such as The Washington Post, Reuters, The Associated Press, AFP, the Financial Times and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), and Big Tech partners such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft.
  • TNI was formed mere weeks after a Reuters Institute report revealed trust in U.S. media had slipped to an all-time low of just 29% — the lowest of the 46 countries included. Clearly, people were going elsewhere for the facts, and that probably had everything to do with the creation of TNI. They have no control over alternative media, so they needed a comprehensive way to shut them all down.
  • By suppressing information about early treatment and the adverse effects suffered from the COVID shots, TNI partners have played a direct role in the destruction of lives. In short, TNI is the converse of “trusted news.” It is the very “fake news” it claims to combat.
  • In addition to TNI, Google also has a similar program going on, called the Google News Initiative, which includes a $300 million funding commitment to the future of the news industry. The Google News Initiative is partnered with advertising agencies in a program called Trusted News for Trusted Advertising (TNTA), to ensure advertisers don’t have their ads associated with “false or misleading news,” thereby allowing them to “regain control of the media on which they publish the advertising.”

Read more: https://tinyurl.com/5a85m5ez

Dr.Mercola included in his article a clip from The Jimmy Dore show that had been recorded a month prior.  “Confidence in TV news” was at an all time low, causing the deep state to tremble,  so they crafted the TNI to try to wrangle humanity back into being obedient and compliant and apathetic.

Now here we are, not even three years later, and only weeks into the return of the CiC…here we are witnessing the glorious and literal implosion of the mainstream, enemy-of-the-people, fake news media in real time, and in rapid fashion.

I can hear it now…a collective sigh of relief, along with a barely audible, “About time…”

How does the TNI relate to USAID?  Those connections are likely to be revealed abundantly and in short order, not to mention all the strings running to myriad other organizations and platforms that exist purely to serve a destructive agenda.  Think big pharma, education…you know, all the systems within society that have been infiltrated, inverted and twisted into serving some dark program or other.

Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt…

We’ve been subsidizing all of that when we pay our federal (and unconstitutional) taxes.  I just wonder if this coming April 15th will be unlike literally any other. Actually no, I can practically guarantee that it won’t be.

No more of that, thanks!   It’s amazing how much evil gets shut down by this one, swift and decisive move.

It’s a given that media outlets like the BBC, Politico, the New York Times, Associated Press, Reuters…they’re likely to go full guns on a press campaign to make it sound as though the Trump administration is taking food from the mouths of hungry women and children by shutting down USAID.  They’ll be absolutely desperate to keep the ruse going.

Too late!  That ship has sailed.

Hungary’s Prime Minister thanks President Trump for putting an end to the dark conspiracy of USAID

And just as a reminder, USAID stands for the United States Agency for International Development.  The only “aid” it gives is to the deep state to further their agenda for world domination.


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