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  • The Dark’s Reign Has Reached an INEVITABLE END ~ Commander Vrillon of Ashtar Galactic Command

The Dark’s Reign Has Reached an INEVITABLE END ~ Commander Vrillon of Ashtar Galactic Command

Greetings. I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.

Thank you, Ambassador, It is wonderful to connect with you, and also to those who will be hearing, and reading our Transmission.

While many messages of Light are very gentle, soft, and enlightening, you must know, that not all Truth can be presented in that manner. We will not as Humans say, Sugar Coat our messages. We fill truth is truth and to soften it would be lying. So please be advised of our Transmissions.

As the shroud of secrecy is lifted, a significant revelation is emerging all over the Earth, shaking the very foundations of your understanding of the power and governance that has been over Humanity. The intricate ties between influential figures, shadow governments, and dark organizations is beginning to be untangled. The implications of these revelations are vast, as they challenge the established narratives that have long governed human society. However, This is just the surface of the dark’s deep control.

Those of you who listen to these messages are aware that there is a much darker control behind the scenes. Most of humanity do not know, that Malevolent extraterrestrial, and inter-dimensional beings, have long held the hidden control over the Human Race.

The lower vibrational beings involved in this intricate web of control include the Dark-aligned Anunnaki, the Reptilian races who mainly hail from the Draco system, and the Tall Greys, also referred to as the Maitre who are known to come from the Orion system. These beings have long held control over the Human Race since they manipulated your DNA in your Early History.

These entities, have been hidden underground in secrecy, in underground bunkers and caves, obscured from the public eye.

Despite their efforts to remain concealed from Earth’s inhabitants and the many Light Forces striving to bring Earth liberation, these Dark entities have been discovered, and are gradually being removed.

They are being removed as quickly as they can be, however these beings often use humanity as shields. Making it very difficult to remove them without causing harm to Humans. Nevertheless, Many of these beings have ultimately chosen to leave through bodily death, finding the higher vibrations of truth and light unbearable, many of them are unable to withstand the transformative energies now permeating the Earth.

Behind the scenes, a fierce struggle for control ensues as these Dark Extraterrestrial beings desperately attempt to maintain their hold on Earth. Their influence spans thousands of years, having shaped human history and civilizations in ways that remain largely unknown to the average Human. However, the tides are turning, and their reign has reached an inevitable end.

The complex power matrix that has long existed between these Dark entities, shadow governments, and wealthy rulers across the globe is unraveling. Revealing a world filled with secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations that have been at play on your planet for generations. As forces of light and darkness clash, Earth’s fate is already set, poised for a new, brighter chapter in her history, one that promises to liberate humanity from the shackles of oppression.

The unfolding facts about these Dark Extraterrestrials and their entanglement with Earth’s power structures present a narrative that is unsettling and even frightening for many. But this has always been your reality, While you live your lives and continue your daily routines, you were being held captive underneath a dark deception of Separation, through every aspect of your Lives

As layers of deception are peeled back, deeper understanding of the complex dynamics emerges, revealing the foundation of the Matrix, as it exposes the extent of manipulation that has defined human existence.

The control structure established by these extraterrestrials is deeply rooted in the pervasive influence they have over human societies. This influence extends to the manipulation of fundamental systems such as financial, political, religious, educational, and scientific institutions. This is what is now being dismantled.

The Darkness on your Planet, had exerted their control in a manner that shaped all facets of human life, ensuring that their lies and deceptions remained unchallenged. This was the Matrix’s walls, which have held their grip on humanity for far too long, but now these walls are crumbling, leaving the Dark forces with nothing to cling to as their power dissipates.

This burgeoning understanding is awakening many individuals, challenging long-held conventional beliefs, and raising critical questions about the hidden dynamics that have governed Earth for centuries. The lies and propaganda that have defined the narrative of human history are being exposed, revealing the hidden forces that have steered Earth’s civilization until now. The era of manipulation is over for them, as their control over Earth and humanity has reached its conclusion.

As Earth and its inhabitants experience higher frequencies of energy, those resonating with lower vibrations will inevitably be removed from the collective. The dark forces that have long lurked underground are now in turmoil, battling among themselves as the energies surrounding them become too intense to withstand. The very fabric of their rule on Earth has ended, and humanity is on the brink of being freed from the grasp of the Dark extraterrestrials that have enslaved you for millennia.

Those of us who are dedicated to assisting humanity’s liberation will continue to work behind the scenes, implementing the Divine’s Order and ensuring that the transition to a new era is as smooth as possible. Once humanity is liberated from these controllers, Humanity will finally have the freedom to choose your own direction, to carve your own paths in alignment with your true essence.

This is a monumental moment in your history, one that will redefine your existence and relationship with the cosmos.

But rest assured, you are not alone in this transformative journey. Many of your Star Families, are assisting the Earth and humanity through Divine Ordinance. We serve you in the Love and Light of the One Creator, and we are all celebrating your return to oneness, as you step into a new era of enlightenment and empowerment, ready to embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

We are here, and are of Service to the Light.

Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at

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