Saint Germain

St. Germain on Why We Won’t Fall Into The Atlantis Trap

by Rob Loveland

Rob: I’m seeing Saint Germaine as much younger and wearing purple. And I have that vision of the pyramid on Atlantis, the Temple of the Violet Flame. We’re going to just sit here on the top step of the temple.

Okay, St Germaine, you’ve heard the question from the discussion with my teammates. What’s going to prevent us this time from falling into the same traps that we fell into previously on Atlantis?

St Germaine: Greetings, all! Yes, this is Saint Germaine, here on the temple steps, the Temple of the Violet Flame, where we have all met before. You, Rob, in particular, remember the ceremonies here, the initiation.

[Regarding] your question about what is different this time around, there are several factors, the primary of which is that now you (”humanity”) know better. You’ve learned.

At the time of Atlantis, before the sinking, the final sinking — it took several tries. The first time, it largely split in half. The second time, it broke into smaller islands. And the final time, it completely inundated — not that all traces of the Atlantean culture were gone at the time; there were pockets that remained, that survived.

But what is it about now that offers any kind of an assurance that we won’t repeat the same thing again? And I am here to tell you that, while it may not seem that way by outward appearances, the light energy held by the vast majority of humanity is higher now than it has been since well before the sinking of Atlantis. Yes, you have a tremendous amount of programming that tells you otherwise, that makes you doubt yourselves, but at your core, at the point of your soul, your light energy is higher now than it has been in many, many, many millennia.

You are ready for change. The vast majority of humanity wants change. But the thing about change is it always feels like such turmoil, such turbulence, in the process of that change. But when you strip all of that away, all of that programming, all of that conditioning to keep you pushed down, to keep you enslaved in one form or another, underneath all of that, you are ready. You want the change, and it is surely happening.

It is certainly the Mother’s Divine Plan that it happen now. This is the time of prophecy. This is the beginning of that transition, biblically known as the 1000 years of peace. It is happening. It will happen, and you will see that. You will see it arise.

So I would ask you not to put too much of your attention on what could go wrong, but focus instead on what it is that you want and trust that the rest of humanity will come with you. This is why you are here. It’s why you volunteered to come here at this time, to do YOUR part, to express YOUR vision of what it is that you want society to be, the relationships among all peoples to be, and it will surely happen as a result. It is well on the way.

I would suggest even that where we are headed is a return to the energy levels that existed even prior to Atlantis, or to the beginning of Atlantis, to the time of Lemuria. That was a society in a 5th dimensional reality. But you are moving even beyond that, and going to the higher dimensions, yet still, ultimately to the 7th, to the realm of Christ Consciousness on Earth.

It is all possible, and we ask you to lend your energy, your vision, your trust, that that will all come to pass. Let your imaginations run wild, for everything is on the table. Whatever it is that you want Nova Earth to be, it is in the making. It is in the forming, and it is ready to hear what your desires are, ready to bring that to fruition.

It is such an exciting time. We are absolutely thrilled at the progress humanity, as a whole, is making and for your individual efforts in seeing that come to pass. Again, open yourselves to the possibilities. Do not restrict yourself based on what you see outside, or what you think is possible. There are no limitations. The only limitations are what you yourselves place on that. Again, give yourself the freedom to run wild. Hop on that dragon and see where it takes you! 😉

So I’m sure your teammates have questions, so let’s see what they have.

Teammate: Thank you for coming to speak of this, Saint Germaine. You are becoming better and better known to me, and I’m really enjoying getting to know you. I understand that it will be several generations until we see a great deal of evidence of a new world forming or a new world established. Is that still true?

St Germaine: It need not be. This transition can happen as fast as you, the bulk of humanity, want to make it happen. If you place on yourself the limitation of belief that it can only happen after several generations pass, then that is surely what you will get. But it need not be. Open yourself to the possibilities that this could happen in large part in your lifetime. If enough people come to believe that it will surely happen.

Teammate: That’s wonderful. I suppose it’s more helpful to think that it may take some time, rather than to think it’s going to be instantaneous and then be disappointed. So I was remembering something that Yeshua had once told told us that it would take a while for governance, for example, to re-establish itself in a very ideal, a much more ideal, expression in our country, and I felt that was really interesting, that it would take a while. So I was just checking to see if I had understood that correctly. But I do know what you’re saying about creation.

I think I get hung up in the idea that I have to personally get out there in the world and change everything. And it’s more subtle than that, I think, is what you’re saying; that it doesn’t quite work that way; that I don’t need to push myself; that it’s going to happen; that because we are together as a group, as a collective, creating it, all I need to do is be myself. Can you elaborate on that?

St Germaine: Indeed! You are perfect as you are, so just being yourself will help elevate the vibration, as it were, of the rest of humanity. If you are moved to go out and do something in the world to help bring some aspect of Nova Earth to fruition, then by all means do that. But if you find yourself having to advocate too forcefully to others to try to force something to happen, then that tends to be counterproductive. Just express yourself in a way that brings out the love in everyone else, and all the rest of that will naturally fall into place. The change does not happen until people are ready for it to happen and put themselves in a place of receptivity that it can happen.

So first and foremost, I would suggest that you help people to understand who they are and what they are capable of, and the more people that hop onto that bandwagon, as it were, the faster the change will occur.

And I would suggest also, by the way, that the system of governance is changing quite rapidly these days. You are seeing more and more evidence across the planet, all countries, that people are tired of the system that has existed for so long, and they realize just how disempowering that is. They are ready for change.

With that, then I will take my leave. Again, we are so excited for the future, for what is coming, for what YOU are making happen.

Thank you so much to all of you.

Farewell for now.

Source via GAoG

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