Sophia Love

The One via Sophia Love – The parts we are playing

It is the One.

Thank you.

As disclosure looms around you at nearly every turn, remember why you are here. There are several “categories” of reasons. We will list them and then discuss what they involve:

1.   Whistleblower

2.   Experiencer

3.   Leader

4.   Innovator

5.   Enlightener

6.   Healer

7.    Farmer

8.   Announcer

Is that all of them?

It is enough for this conversation and includes them all, on some level.

I don’t see myself or my partner on this list.

That is because you are stabilizers, and we did not include that option.

Okay. I don’t completely grasp it, but I’ll accept it for now. I am hearing “teachers”.

Yes, the category fits you both.

Okay, let’s continue

Whistleblowers have been on the earth for a century or so. Their work is often ridiculed or ignored as important in the timeframe in which they occur. Whistleblowers run the risk of being harmed by those who want their secrets to remain hidden. There are many on earth right now, and more of them will be known to you this year and next.

Experiencers are brave souls who came to live through some of what the whistleblowers expose. Their earthly incarnations could include any number of hardships, including abuse, manipulation, control, lack, or violence. Notice the generalities within the words chosen. Experiencers occur in all directions. What is sought after in the experiencer’s case is greater comprehension of the experience chosen.

Often these are souls who participated at the other end of the experience. In this lifetime, they will receive whatever it was that they gave. This is not always the case, but more frequently than not.

Leaders lead lives that often place them in positions of power. The lifetime provides for them a host of natural abilities, as well as very specific lessons. The lessons revolve around the use and potential abuse of power, power over others.

Innovators abound in all disciplines. They could be scientists, psychologists, artists, builders or caregivers. They arrive most frequently from incarnations on highly evolved planets. Their innovations seem to show up almost fully formed for them. They may call this “divine inspiration”. Yet, it springs from their own knowing and experience elsewhere.

Enlighteners are easily identified because of their light. They participate in all disciplines and occupations. They bring an abundance of light to their work and to their surroundings. The light is more felt than seen. It changes their environment always for the better. They are often not fully appreciated until their absence.

Healers do not have to be engaged in the medical profession. They will heal whomever it is they engage with. They could be carpenters or plumbers or truck drivers, as well as doctors or therapists. They naturally seek and locate what is most necessary for health or best functioning.

Farmers do not always work with crops and soil, yet they might. What a farmer is here to do is propagate. They seek and will find and utilize the most fertile place in which to plant and thus grow what they’ve sown. Seeds can be physically planted. They can also be intellectually planted.

Announcers will most often be noticed for their volume. The term “loud” can be used to describe them. This is a reference to either sound or personality. You will take note of an announcer. You will not be able to ignore their volume. They “shout” until they are noticed.

These identifiers tell us some of the many personalities adopted on Earth at this time. Your history has never included so many of these at once. These traits are necessary now. For as your whole world shifts, there must be a way to alert every single participant as to its occurrence.

Your world feels as if it is speeding up now because so many of you are rising to be noticed. There is little “downtime” left on your Ascension journey. You are approaching a full-throttle period until completion. Then there is a settling in, a settling down, a “breather”, and some reflection.

That is not the case today. Know that your journey has a guaranteed outcome. Just as your GPS will adjust itself as you take alternative roads, so does the collective.

You are in for such a treat.

It will be worth every step taken.

Thank you.


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