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Will the Trump Election Prove to be the Moment at Which Events on Earth Turned Around?

By Steve Beckow of GAoG on February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Will the the Trump election prove to be the moment at which events on Earth turned around?

I ask that in full appreciation of the white-hat military behind Trump – the Q movement – who designed the plan which Donald Trump agreed to implement.

I ask it also knowing the tremendous parts played by Vladmir Putin, Xi JinPing, Mohammed bin Salman, and many others in what’s unfolding. Everyone was tired of the corruption, impoverishment, and suppression that the deep state was bringing on humanity and cooperated to produce the result we’re about to see.

What makes progress quick and largescale change possible is when an organization or a nation can agree on a leader and then unite behind their vision. Very few people can successfully offer themselves to play this role and play it successfully, but Donald Trump is a large enough personality, with integrity, that he can do it and he does it magnificently.

I’m sure there’ll be vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and failures. All through the Second World War there were mix-ups and failures. But the Allies’ direction was sound, their team had integrity, and the goal was for the highest good of the world and, in my view, it is here, now, too. The Allies have become the Alliance to finish what was left undone.


“Turning the corner” is an event in consciousness. It’s the result of a declaration and a stand. We’ve turned the corner because we say we have.

It’s my declaration and stand that we, as a world, have turned a corner. I’m pretty sure that Messrs. Putin, Ji, and bin Salman have been waiting for M. Trump to be in place before beginning the looming major takedown of the cabal.

Turning the corner means we’re through with such things as cancel culture, divisive protests, blaming and shaming, despicable behavior, demeaning music, etc.

Turning the corner means we now can see the strength that lies in a state as modest as “human decency” and in the divine qualities like love, bliss, and peace.

The deep state, behind the scenes, engineered matters to maximally divide society on many issues, cause mass migrations into many countries, and weaken the population in every possible way (vaccines, fluorides, chemtrails, etc.).

They’ve left us a tremendous mess. And they’re not gone yet.


Many people will choose to leave rather than ascend, Michael tells us:

Archangel Michael: There will be those who choose to leave, to abandon their physical forms rather than ascend in physical form.

Steve: That is what you mean by separation? Leave?

AAM: That is what I mean and I do not mean being spun off into an alternate world or Earth or Gaia or planet. I mean simply, abandoning the body, dying, and leaving and coming home. There is no penalty or shame or guilt. It is simply a decision.

Mira adds her comment:

“The frequencies of the Earth have accelerated to the extent that those of lower vibration can no longer be sustained on the Earth.” (2)

And the Mother confirms:

Divine Mother: Those who do not want [unity] are leaving. …

Go forth and rebuild, and restore, and tear down what does not serve! (3)

DOGE is definitely tearing down what does not serve. So we’re right on target!

But notice: There’s nothing we need to do. The dark hats are and will be leaving.  We needn’t speed them on their way. (4)


Whatever we remain in the dark about is likely to be dispelled in the ten days of broadcasts. In the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love that I believe will follow, the Federation of Light gives a shocking description of what awaits the truly-dark:

Federation of Light: This LOVE LIGHT [the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love] that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way. … The souls of many of such Beings will leave immediately via ‘disintegration’. … Yes, Blossom, it shall be as if their physical Being literally crumbles and disintegrates.

Blossom: For real?

FoL: Yes, for real Blossom. For the Energy that is carried within the entire body and soul of such ‘naughty folk’ is so ‘dis-eased’ that the Wave of Love … the Strength within it … will cause such Beings to crumble, for it cannot possibly survive within the Vibrational Frequency that the Wave brings. … We understand that it all may sound farfetched … for your programming has been so ‘normalised’ and all thought of such happenings leads you to believe such things are only make-believe. (5)

Wow. Takes your breath away.

The broadcasts and Wave of Love are a ways down the road from here but I regard Donald Trump’s election and his successful assembling of his seemingly-very-competent team as the point at which terrestrial society stopped devolving and began recovering ground.


(1) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at

(2) Mira of the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, October 2, 2024,” October 3, 2024, at

(3) “Divine Mother on Compassion & Unity,” June 9, 2024, at

(4) See Stop the Executions! at

(5) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, July 25, 2021,” July 24, 2021, at


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