Sophia Love

The One via Sophia Love – World Builders

It is the One.

Thank you.

You are “in between” right now. In between relationships, worlds, monetary systems, even physical conditions. Everything is changing.

What can be said now is this. Everything cooperates for your Awakening. Everything supports your transformation.

Synchronicity is the watchword. When you notice it, acknowledge it. Pay attention. There are no such things as “random” or “by chance” happenings now. The Universe cooperates with you.

You have entered the “full” and “active” component of the journey now. This happens by design, and it happens on purpose. You are meant to be wherever you are. You are meant to notice whoever crosses your path. All of it has something to offer you.

It may be an opportunity. It may be validation. It may be a memory. It may be wisdom. It could be something you agreed on; agreed on in a time before remembering.

What will serve you most now is your sense, your intuitive knowing. This is the path to heed, more so than “clock time”.

As you act in concert with how things feel, your “success” will increase ten-fold. Your senses may be following astrological transits or internal “hits”. Either way, you will recognize their correctness and things will naturally flow. These things improve and increase in “volume” with repetition, with practice.

Dear Ones, you are today like toddlers. Your first tentative steps may feel quite shaky indeed. Yet do not let the shakiness stop you. You are meant to fly.

As the toddler does not stop trying, regardless of how many falls and bumps happen, so too will you push on. The pull towards expansion is too strong to ignore or give up on. Your innate knowing of how to proceed emerges with each effort. You are testing your wings.

You are built for this exact moment. You have placed all that you need before you at this point in “time”. You are gathering more still. These gatherings could be made up of people, animals, projects or happenings. Everything supports your Ascension. You would have it no other way. You are meant to succeed.

The world waits for your emergence. She too is ramping up, getting things in order, removing or moving around things that are unproductive.

You see, my dear Ones, you are One. The moments ahead of you announce your Unity. This is what you feel. You, who came for just this moment. You, who have always known, without understanding why you do. It is falling into place now. It arrives cooperatively with your awareness of it.

You have lived for so long feeling out of place, in a world that didn’t feel like “home”. You did so, in order to fully experience the change from separate to whole, from fear to Love. You did so, in order to propel yourselves. You did so, in order to feel the contrast of that world with the one you will build.

You are World Builders. Honor yourselves.

Acknowledge each movement towards Love, regardless of size or subtlety. Then, like the gardeners that you are, command each of them to grow.

You have laid fertile ground with your Light. You have planted seeds in places that felt desolate and void of life. Watch closely now. You will see them sprout.

The world needs your Light and your persistent Love, more now than ever. There will be gnashing of teeth as your former “controllers” lose their grip. They will not go quietly. Comfort and calm will be necessary. This is what your Light provides dear Ones.

As the storm rages, Lighthouses will be needed to help illuminate the way.

This is your time to shine. Trust that you’ll know when, where and how to proceed. You have known always. Nothing has been lost.

You are the Builders.

That is all.

Thank you.


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