
Judith Kusel: Love Me Love Them

by Judith Kusel – http://www.judithkusel.com

There is not one single soul on this planet alive today, who does not in the depths of his or her heart and soul wish to be loved, for who and what they in truth are!

Yet if we are honest, we have great difficulty loving ourselves for who and what we are, into the deepest shadows, and the highest light. For we BOTH. They balance each other out, and balance point, brings equilibrium.

We all grew up in society, and families, we were more or less forced to conform to outside notions of who and what we were supposed to be, or to be molded into. Add to this, then the educational systems, etc. The list goes on and on. Whether in the workplace, where so often we became just another number, or when we dared to question the status quo, we found ourselves pushed to the side and often ostracized because we dared to be different.

I have heard so many telling me: “There must be something dreadfully wrong with me!”
In truth there is nothing dreadfully wrong with anyone!

Deep down you know this. And how many of us, in childhood, in our very innocence then, got told we have overactive imaginations, or what we saw or tried to exist was fantasizing, and did not exist, and were just fairy tales. And when we dared to just stand up for ourselves, we knew that we would pay for the consequences. Many of us, however, chose to break free, and still do.

What it did was make a lot of souls fall asleep, and then kind of went into a trance state where they became what others wanted them to become and did as they were told. Always looking for the outside authorities to run their lives, instead of taking their own power back, and choosing to live the truth of what they are in truth.

Yet, all of this is now changing. We are all going to, and already have been, cleaved open to the core, and this is when the shadow emerges, and all the false programming, the false belief system we were indoctrinated with, and if we never questioned anything (I have always questioned everything naturally), it will come as a huge shock to suddenly have the truth exposed collectively and to find that those in whom so many put their faith and even put on pedestals indeed pretended to be, what they are not.

This includes family skeletons coming to the fore, and ancestral programming. Educational systems are false, and so much more.

In truth the greatest of all Universities in which you obtain your PhD, or Doctorate, is life itself. I have often come across the greatest wisdom, from uneducated people, who were illiterate, (as many people in South Africa still are), and who brought those AHA moments which I will never forget. Yet, some of those with so many degrees often said things that made me wonder aloud.

The fact is that every soul is perfect, whole and complete, for the Divine Source does not create duds. Nor imperfections. Those shadow sides of yourself are necessary in the Cosmic School of Souls, so that you can grow in wisdom, insight and love, just as much as the Light side does!

It is the wounded healer who is the most powerful healer, and not the one who has never been ill!
It brings compassion, it brings empathy, it brings with it the frailty of the ego, vs the Higher Soul Self, infinitely connected to the Divine within!

When you finally love yourself just as you are: – shadow and light, only then can you genuinely love another, shadow and light, JUST AS THEY ARE. Without wanting to change anything about them!

And is it not, that we so often remember a soul, with smile and with love, not because of their perfections, but rather their quirkiness, their stubbornness, the strange habits, and more than this, the way they so often made us laugh and see the lighter side of life, when we could not see for seeing.

I had a little boy once in my story hour session in the Library, who when we sang Christmas carols at Christmas time, used to with “Jingle Bells” which he loved, always sang and from the heart and soul: “And a one-sleigh open horse!…..” I tried to correct him at one stage, but then simply let him be, as his angelic face when he sang, meant more to this soul, than me bursting his bubble. I always thanked him for singing so beautifully and then his face lit up even more. He often went out the library, singing his own version of “Jingle Bells” even when he was a bit off-key!

Can we make today, and the rest of the day LOVE ME, LOVE THEM, day?

Can you take yourself in the arms today, and give yourself a hug, and just say: “I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!” and mean every word.

And then, can you do the same to others: “Thank you, for being you! I love you!”

Imagine if we all start doing this, how quickly we would ascend into the New Golden Age, as we become the Love changing the world?

Yes, as we ascend into the New Earth and the New Golden Age, we will finally feel and see with the eyes of Love, unconditional love, for self and others, realizing this truth: “You are just another me!”

Thank you for all that you are, just as you are!


Judith Kusel

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