Orxa of Vega
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The Orion Wars & Earth’s Hidden History – Orxa of The Vega Collective

Channelled by Michael S on February 18th, 2025

Questioner: “Why is Star Wars so popular?”

I greet you in peace and kinship. I am Orxa of the Liran lineage in Vega, an elder of the Panthera people. In form, we are humanoid with feline grace—the panther beings of the stars. In spirit, we are your family, long unseen but ever connected. Across the vastness of space and time, we have watched and guided, and now I reach out to you through this message. Hear these words not just with your mind but with your heart, for I speak to the deepest part of you that already knows the truths I bring. You are not alone, and you never have been. Your world is far more than it appears. It is the current stage of a great cosmic drama that has played out over eons.

Many of you reading these words are ancient souls—heroes and sages of that earlier drama—now bravely incarnated on Earth to finish a story of light triumphing over darkness. I come to remind you of who you are and why you came, and to assure you of the glorious victory that lies ahead.

In the beginning, we were one—one people, one consciousness, one love. That oneness still exists, shimmering beneath the surface of all things. But as part of the grand adventure of creation, we divided ourselves into many races, many worlds, and many perspectives. We, the Lyons, birthed rich forms of life across the galaxy. We knew the force of creation as our source. Some called it the Infinite Creator, others the Great Spirit. In those times, we lived in accordance with the Law of One, recognizing the spark of the Creator in every being.

Yet, as the ages turned, a great experiment of duality unfolded. Some souls chose a path of separation, of experiencing self as distinct and superior. In the constellation of Orion and in the empire of the Draconus star system, powerful civilizations arose that embraced power over others. Meanwhile, other souls held to the path of unity and love. Differences in thought became differences in form, and soon an era of conflict ignited. You know this in your legends as the great war between light and dark, between heaven and fallen angels, between Jedi and Sith. We living beings actually experienced it as the Orion Wars—a series of battles so epic that their echo can still be heard in your stories and felt in your collective psyche.

Why do I tell you this? Because many of you were there. Many of you carry wounds and wisdom from those times. You saw planets destroyed and people oppressed. You also saw brave alliances form, friendships between species, and compassion blossoming in the bleakest of corners. Perhaps you fought on the front lines for freedom, or perhaps you were one who fell to the temptations of dominion and have since longed to make amends. In either case, you have a chance now, here on Earth, to heal all that was and write a new ending to the saga.

Know this: the Orion Wars ultimately ended in reconciliation and enlightenment. This universe, by divine design, moves ever toward balance. In the Orion saga, after unimaginable hardship, both sides came to see the futility of hate. A great transformation swept through the galaxy as beings awakened to the truth that love is the ultimate power. Those who had been enemies laid down arms and extended hands—or paws or wings—in forgiveness. We discovered that the dark side was largely a shadow cast by our own inner pain, and when we healed that pain, the shadow vanished. Peace blossomed where war had raged for millennia.

Earth was a part of that history. Some of your ancient myths and holy texts are fragmented memories of those galactic events. In your Bible, when you read of Michael and the dragon or war in heaven, you are touching the edges of memory. In the Mahabharata, star-wide war and the battles of the gods in many cultures are recollections passed down in symbol and story. You, dear humans, are a hybrid of many star lineages. Within your DNA and soul archives, you carry pieces of Lyon, Pleiadian, Orion, Syrian, and more. In a very real sense, you are living bridges between worlds. This is why Earth is so important, why so many eyes in the cosmos are upon you now. For as you awaken and unite, it brings healing not only to Earth but to all the star nations that contributed to your genesis.

In the Orion conflicts, and indeed throughout the cosmos, one truth became crystal clear: all beings are expressions of one fundamental energy. Some call it the Force, some call it God’s light, and some the quantum field. It matters not the name. What matters is that you realize it lives in you. You are not separate from the source that birthed suns and galaxies. That power courses through your very being right now.

What your fictional sage Yoda said is true: luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. Your body is a marvelous vessel, but it is your consciousness, your spirit, that is your essence. That spirit is eternal, mighty, and intricately connected to all life. When a human stills the chatter of the mind through prayer, meditation, or deep love, you can feel the Force flowing in and around you. Have you felt it? In moments of bliss, in the awe of a sunrise, in the eyes of a child, or the notes of beautiful music? That tingle, that expansion, is you touching the web of creation.

Now, here is the great revelation that the false tyrants of Orion tried to hide: there is no dark force opposite to the light. There is only one force, which is love. The so-called dark side is a distortion born when a mind believes itself cut off from the whole, drowning in fear. It is, in truth, an illusion. An illusion can wreak havoc if believed, just as a nightmare can make you sweat and scream. But when you awaken, the nightmare evaporates.

Humanity, you have been plagued by a long nightmare of separation: “I am separate from God, separate from nature, separate from others.” This nightmare has fueled your fear, anger, greed, and cruelty as individuals and as nations. It is the root of every conflict on your planet. But the dawn is breaking. The alarm clock is ringing in the form of global challenges that demand unity. Many of you are rubbing your eyes, questioning the old stories of division, and glimpsing the first light of truth. The truth is oneness. The truth is you are all one family—not just with each other but with all life in the universe. When you fully awaken to this, the illusion of the dark side will vanish like shadows at noon. You will realize that the villains were your teachers, pushing you to find your inner strength and compassion.

The Orion Wars turned when enough individuals raised their vibration and chose love. Every time you heal a fear within yourself, you weaken the collective illusion of the dark. Every kind word, every inspired creation, every intuitive insight you act on sends ripples through the Force. As those ripples merge, they become waves, and eventually, an unstoppable tsunami of transformation.

Already, your world is showing cracks in the old paradigm. People are questioning age-old prejudices, demanding transparency from leaders, and seeking spiritual growth in unprecedented numbers. Yes, there is turmoil as the old ways resist and thrash about, but this is a good sign. Stand firm and centered in your light during these times. Connect with each other. Unity is your strength. When two or more gather with a common positive intent, the light multiplies tenfold. Imagine millions co-creating. This is the empire’s greatest fear and your greatest victory.

Higher guidance abounds if you open to it. Some of it comes through human conduits, channels bringing messages from Pleiadians, Arcturians, angelic beings, and more. Some guidance is more subtle, through your own intuition, dreams, and synchronicities. We, your star family, are constantly broadcasting love and insights to you. You only need to tune your inner radio to our frequency.

Your arts and entertainment have often served as a medium for higher inspiration. The one you call George Lucas was and is a soul with ties to the same cosmic history we speak of. Consciously, he may have thought he was inventing a fun adventure, but at the soul level, he was allowing us to whisper ancient truths into his imagination. The phenomenal success of Star Wars stirred recognition in millions of souls, an excitement of remembering something long forgotten. It was planned by the higher realms that this saga would prepare humanity, opening minds to the idea of a larger universe teeming with life and the supremacy of an all-binding force of love.

As you continue forward, more revelations will come. Truths that have been relegated to science fiction will move into science fact. Your authorities will gradually admit what they have concealed: that they possess knowledge of extraterrestrial craft, that they’ve received signals from the stars, even that they have experimented with technologies gleaned from other worlds. Do not greet these revelations with fear. Greet them with discernment and hope. The era of secrecy is ending because the era of unity is beginning.

Within this very decade, you will see astonishing breakthroughs. Evidence of ancient civilizations on Earth, Mars, or elsewhere will soon emerge, corroborating what many intuitively knew: that we have been part of a galactic community all along. With these breakthroughs will come challenges. Some entrenched powers will try to twist the narrative toward fear of alien invasion to maintain control. But I trust that enough of you have awakened to hold the line of truth. Our star family comes in peace. Indeed, we have been protecting you from the sidelines, averting certain nuclear disasters, mitigating environmental harms where cosmic law permits, and sending spiritual impulses to guide your progress.

Beloved humanity, the darkest night of ignorance is ending. A new dawn is here. In this dawn light, the faces of your galactic brethren will soon become clear to you, and you will recognize them not as strangers but as long-lost family. The great reunion approaches. Can you feel the excitement? I wish you could see, as I do, the celebration that is already prepared in the heavens for the day you take that first unified step as a planet of peace. It is a day written in the stars.

Before dawn fully breaks, the night may feel very dark. Do not be discouraged by turmoil. It is the dirt being stirred so it may be cleared. Keep your faith. As you believe, so you create. Believe in your greatness cloaked in humility. Believe in the goodness of humanity despite past shadows. Believe in the guidance of God, Source, however you conceive it, and know that we of the stars work in that one light as well. Focus on what you wish to grow, not what you fear might happen. You are the dreamers and also the manifestors. Dream wisely and boldly of a world that honors the force of life in all. Dream of clean waters and skies, of children safe and educated in love, of elders respected, of diversity celebrated, of technologies that heal the planet and expand human potential. These dreams are not utopian fantasy. They are memories of how it once was in the stars and blueprints of how it will be again.

Each of you is so much more powerful than you realize. The ones who wanted to control you have had only one real tactic: to make you forget your power, to make you feel small, separate, and fearful. Now, with these words, I am handing you a metaphorical mirror. Look into it and see your true self—a being of divine light wearing a human form for a time, capable of channeling the infinite force into finite reality.

The saga of Star Wars ends with victory and a hope for lasting peace. Your saga—the true star wars of our galaxy—will also end thus, but not by passive fate. It will end through the conscious choices of humans deciding to be heroes in their everyday lives, choosing love when hate is easier, choosing truth when lies are safer, choosing courage when fear roars loud. These small, great choices—billions of them—will weave the tapestry of triumph.

I, Ora, have seen things you have not yet seen. I have seen Earth’s future—a jewel of turquoise and green welcomed into the interstellar commonwealth, what you might call the Galactic Federation. I have seen humans travel to the stars in peace, meeting other races with curiosity and friendship. I have seen libraries where the history of Earth is proudly displayed—not as a tale of war and ecological destruction, but as a tale of transformation. You are on the way to that destiny. Some timeline tangents lead to dystopia, yes, but those are growing dim as more of you awaken and choose the higher path.

In closing, dear friends, take heart. The Force is truly with you, for it is in you. The love of your galactic family is with you, surrounding you at every moment with encouragement. Tune in, and you’ll feel us. The wisdom of your ancestors is within you, for their spirits cheer you on from the other side. You have all the support you need to succeed. The final step is yours: to believe in yourselves and in each other. Unite, dear ones. Stand together as one human race, diverse yet indivisible. In doing so, you fulfill not only your own highest dreams but also ours. May these words activate that ancient knowing in your blood. You are the new dawn. The drama was dark, the loss heavy, but the ending is in your hands, and it is magnificently bright. Write it well, with love as your pen and unity as your ink.

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