Mermaid Underwater City

Judith Kusel: This is the Purification of Water, Air and Fires

By Judith Kusel –

I connected with the Mer people here in 2009 on beach nearby, as recorded in my book: “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.”

Today three mermaids appeared to me at the beach and showed me how huge movements are occurring in the ocean floor and oceans.

They showed me the under water volcanoes on verge of eruption, the ocean floor ripping open at places, especially between South Africa and Antarctica as old landmass reappears from the original supercontinent which once held parts of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom, extending to South America and New Zealand, especially South Island.

Then the Pacific, where huge movements are occurring and the Mediterranean sea, where the two undersea volcanoes are about to erupt.

Add to this the Pacific offshore of Chili and Easter Island, Mexico and California regions.

Old buildings, structures, pyramids etc.which sunk under sea, will reappear.

With new fresh water resources will suddenly appearing with intensified flooding all over the world, even with earthquakes and volcanoes erupting.

“This is the purification of water, air and fires,” they said, the clearing of the pollution, and clearing of trauma which is clogging up the arteries and energy grids of the earth, the meridians and acupuncture points.”

The Mer people are assisting, with the dolphins and whales and holding steady, with the elephants on land and other species, the elementals and those who have arrived from all over the universe and others to eat the pollution and clearing with the fire, water, air and earth dragons.

Things are going to happen on all levels now and they are asking all Lightworkers and Starseeds, ground crews, to hold the light steady and increase it and to send love to all sentient beings on earth, within and without.

This is indeed a huge transfigurstion process from the third density, into the fifth and seventh.

They send their love and greetings.



Judith Kusel

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