Channeled by Natalie Glasson
Greetings my beloved beings of light, my love and my wisdom extend from my being to you. I draw forth the glorious vibrations of love from the Creator and channel them into your being. Allow these vibrations to activate love that is already present within your being. The love that aligns you with the Creator and your Creator-relationship held within your being.
When we share love with another being – from the truth and essence of our being, and calling it forth from the Creator to flow through our being – we are sharing love with another, however, more importantly, we are activating the same within them so that they may be a beacon of love as well.
Today I wish to continue with our discussion concerning manifestation. It is a time, in ascension, when everyone is discussing manifesting, even on the inner planes. There are so many discoveries, evolutions and even challenges that are being set connected to manifesting.
One thing that I wish to share with you about manifestation: imagine that that, which you wish to manifest, is like the most delicate feather or the most delicate flower; something that, if you held it too tightly, you would crush or damage it.
When you are manifesting an idea, you’re holding that idea with the same gentle hold. You are allowing yourself to keep hold of that idea however you are not crushing it.
This can be immensely challenging because if the idea is something that you long for/dream of and that is very meaningful to you, you will want to put all your desire/hopes/willingness into manifesting the idea, however, there is a need to hold the idea with gentleness, certainty and trust, energising the idea; giving it your love, thinking about it but with a joyous vibration – vibrations of freedom, love, success and fulfillment. You may wish to activate these qualities within your being.
You can ask your soul to bring these qualities forth, recognising them within your heart space and radiating them outwards – especially to your idea that you wish to manifest. This can be done, especially if you are feeling worried or anxious about the manifestation of your idea, as any worries/doubts/fears/anxiety will push the idea away from you.
So you are holding the idea in your mind and in your being with gentleness, but also with certainty, trust and faith. You’re energising it with wonderful qualities and these qualities can be what you perceive you will embody when the manifestation takes place.
If you use the qualities you perceive you will embody, you are already beginning to embody the manifestation; drawing it closer into your being and into your reality.
When doubts and fears do arise, you can return to your space of embodiment of the qualities of the manifestation, however, you will also wish to ask the fears and the doubt, what message they have for you; what they are trying to share with you or alert you to.
Then you can discover for yourself, whether these fears are needed or not. Maybe the fears are needed and there is a need to re-evaluate your manifestation. Maybe they are simply unneeded and are old habits that are arising.
Then, you may be inspired to take action. It is important to create many pathways for the manifestation to enter into your reality. Open your being up energetically, but also open yourself up in your reality. Allow yourself to be guided—where do you need to be? What do you need to say? What actions are required?
The more you look at the fears, the doubts, the worries and the stresses that come forth, you will also notice that these stresses come into your physical body.
When you are incubating your manifestation, you might notice that pains occur in your physical body or you might develop an illness or a cold, a sore throat or a headache. These are fears/worries/concerns working their way out, but they also require your attention.
What are they trying to tell you? Why have they come forth now? Which part of the body are they being held within? Which part of the body requires cleansing, and listening to?
You begin to form a relationship, not only with yourself with the Creator, but also with your manifestation; a relationship that is a discussion where you realise what is required to manifest your idea, and what needs your attention or your release, or cleansing.
This relationship, especially with the Creator and yourself, and the idea and yourself, is the process of manifesting the idea. Then you may be inspired to take action.
It is important to create many pathways for the manifestation to enter into your reality, so open your being up energetically, and also open yourself up in your reality; allow yourself to be guided.
Where do you need to be? What do you need to say? What actions are required?
If you’re trying to manifest new friends or a loved one, and yet you are choosing to stay in your home or only going to places that you always go to, then you are blocking and hindering the manifestation, whereas, if you choose to go out and meet new people and go to new places, you are creating pathways for the manifestation to enter into your reality. You are becoming a power force for the manifestation.
It is often that there is a need to step outside your comfort zone, and in doing so, you create liberation for yourself but also energy and a boost for the manifestation.
There will come a time, when your delicate idea – held with your delicate hands – will ask to be released from your hands and from your mind. This will be a liberating experience.
It might feel as if you are simply letting go of the idea, but it’s not giving up, nor is it willing the idea to come forth, thrusting it out into the universe. The idea will be ready to fly, whether it flows to the Universe of the Creator to create its magic, or whether it flows deep into your soul to further the manifestation.
When you find that it is time to let go of your idea, you’ll feel a liberation and contentment; it will be that your body and being has manifested or embodied the manifestation – the energy of it – and you are letting go of it to complete its final process.
You will feel fine letting go of it; it will feel appropriate and needed. You will almost feel that the manifestation is so close, that it’s already embodied within your being.
It is in those moments that grounding is terribly important – feeling connected with Mother Earth and a knowingness that you are an embodiment of your manifestation; being in a space of love, a freedom and liberation for yourself, and contentment. You might even liken it to bliss. You might even feel that you don’t need your manifestation any longer; that you’ve reached a space where you feel happy and content.
It is often that that is how you receive your manifestation – it opens the door – and you will find that it will come into your reality with more magic and miracles, and far greater than you could have possibly imagined.
Often you achieve this without even realising it. Think of all the things you’ve manifested in your reality. Even the food that you eat, you had to take action to create that food. The food was an idea. Maybe it was an idea that more food was needed.
You are constantly manifesting, however, when you try to manifest something that is deeply meaningful to you, you bring all of your blockages and your baggage to sit with that manifestation and it blocks and stops you.
This is when the learning and the discovery is needed, but it is also immensely valuable; a learning that will never be forgotten, and that will always support you in any lifetime/area of your ascension.
Remember that you are manifesting your ascension as well. And what do you think of your ascension?
Do you doubt yourself or do you trust and hold faith?
There is much to think of, much to discover.
I will leave you to contemplate
I am Master Kuthumi, and I thank you.