Archangel Michael

Facing Opposition from Beyond the Veil ~ Archangel Michael

Transmission by Chellea Wilder

Blessings Beloved Ones,

It is wonderful to connect with you in these very important times.

As your Mother Earth undergoes a profound transformation, she is adjusting her vibrations to align with the higher frequencies of the 5th Dimension. This transition is a significant spiritual evolution that resonates deeply within each of you. The very essence of this shift is multifaceted, encompassing not only the environmental and physical changes that you are observing, but also the intricate spiritual awakening that is taking place within the hearts and minds of humanity. Many individuals are acutely aware of the great shift that is unfolding in these moments, It is happening Now. You know this because you feel it. Many of you are experiencing a variety of sensations that may include heightened emotions, increased intuition, and a profound sense of interconnectedness  and Oneness. This collective awakening is a rising consciousness that is permeating your planet, urging humanity to evolve and embrace a more enlightened existence. 

As you collectively rise in frequency, you are invited to shed old paradigms, outdated beliefs, and limiting patterns that no longer serve your highest good. This transformative journey encourages each one of you to explore deeper aspects of your being, to foster compassion and understanding, and to cultivate a harmonious relationship with both yourselves and the world around you.

However, amidst this uplifting transition, it is important to acknowledge that many beings who work diligently for the Light are encountering formidable challenges. In these pivotal moments, they are often subjected to targeted attacks, facing opposition from forces that harbor ill intent. The dark entities that lurk beyond the veil are in a state of turmoil, desperately scrambling to pull you down into lower vibrations. You would know these beings as the demons of old. These forces may influence those around you, inciting negativity and discord, with the aim of creating chaos and disruption in your lives. Such attempts are designed to thwart your lightwork, to throw you off balance, and to impede your spiritual progress. It is crucial to recognize that these challenges are not merely personal struggles, but are part of a larger cosmic battle between the forces of Light, that are here to Implement Divine Will, and those who wish the destruction of Humanity. This is where your role as beacons of Light are vital. The interplay of these energies serves as a reminder that every action taken in the name of love and light can have a ripple effect throughout the universe. 

This context highlights the importance of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, as each trial can ultimately lead to greater strength and clarity on your spiritual path.

In the light of these circumstances, it is essential to take special care in focusing your Light towards these situations. Clearing your Space, Inner and outer, can help remove any negative entities attempting to disrupt your Energies.

This is not just a passive act, but an active engagement in your personal spiritual wellbeing to shield you from any negative that surrounds you. Seek the assistance of your many Angels, Guides, and Galactic Families, who are ever ready to support you in your endeavors. Call upon the infinite Source, the One true God, to envelop you in a protective shield that guards you against any harm or negativity. Your divine connection serves as a powerful source of strength and reassurance, reminding you that you are never alone in your journey. Understand that the Entire Multiverse is aligned in your favor, working in harmony to facilitate your growth and well-being.

As you navigate these turbulent waters, trust in the wonders that the universe can manifest on your behalf, and remain steadfast in your commitment to shine your Light brightly, despite the challenges that may arise. Embrace practices such as meditation, visualization, and affirmations to strengthen your connection with the divine and to amplify your inner light. By doing so, you not only fortify your own energy but also contribute to the collective healing and elevation of consciousness that is so desperately needed during this time of transformation. Remember, every moment spent in alignment with your true essence is a step towards the realization of a more loving, compassionate, and unified existence for all.

In these precious times, know that God has already placed a shield around those of the Light. Do Not Fear, for you are greatly protected and loved for your Service to the Divine.

Always remember that each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.

I Love you, and I am Always with you.

I Am Archangel Michael.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at

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