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Zelensky/Trump Blowup through the Lens of a Professional Conflict Facilitator

Of course, there is no shortage of commentary on the Trump/Zelensky dust-up in the Oval Office. But I’m going to offer another one anyway, because of its uniqueness of being seen through my lens as a professional conflict resolution facilitator for over 25 years.

By Foster Gamble on March 8, 2025

Besides the rudeness, interrupting, faulty speaking and inept listening on all sides, there were deeper agendas operating, as there virtually always are when communication breaks down. It turns out that even Biden went through a similar fiasco on the phone with Zelensky while he was in office.

First, let me share that there are 5 basic causes of blockages in the interchange of important messages between individuals:

  1. the message was not said
  2. the message was not heard
  3. the message was misspoken
  4. the message was misheard
  5. there was an “unaccepted disagreement” that was either not acknowledged or not resolved

I was listening live and very closely for unaddressed agenda conflicts and here are the key un-pinned grenades I saw rolled into the room:

Unaccepted Disagreements

“I don’t want Trump to be neutral. I want the mediator on my side.” — Zelensky

That’s not the way mediation works, so the fundamental protocol agreement needed was off from the beginning.

“If I get Ukraine into NATO, my mission is complete.” — Zelensky

The major NATO goal all along was to absorb Ukraine and get NATO missiles onto the Russian border. NATO and the “Washington Consensus” had broken multiple prior agreements with Russia and continued to move forces further East — closer to the Russian border. Ukraine was Putin’s line in the sand — about which he had warned many times. So Zelensky is being candid about his goal, but the U.S. under Trump is wisely not willing to go along with that. It would be like bringing Russian missiles back to Cuba or Chinese missiles on our borders with Mexico or Canada.


“We can’t lose Europe.” — Zelensky

As U.S. money and munitions seemed to be fading away, Zelensky was in a panic that European funding and forces would also abandon the cause. So, he was caught in what he saw as a no-win situation and blurted it out.

“You will feel it in the future.” — Zelensky

Zelensky’s delusional warning that the war would somehow come to the U.S. revealed how desperate he was to grasp some sort of leverage over Trump.

Now Zelensky has expressed regrets for what happened and expressed willingness to come back to the table to sign the rare earth minerals agreement.

“No one wants peace more than Ukrainians.” — Zelensky

This is an accurate statement, because the citizens — over 100,000 conscripted soldiers and civilians have already been slaughtered in this unnecessary war intended to break Russia, drain the U.S., and protect the massive money laundering schemes, child trafficking rings and U.S. bio-weapons labs throughout the most corrupt country in the world.

Zelensky and the EU are puppets for the Global Domination Agenda. This has become more and more obvious with cancelation of elections in Ukraine and Romania and increasing police state censorship as highlighted in VP Vance’s recent speech. They would love to see the war continue — at least until the imperialist NATO cabal secures Ukraine…but the Trump team understands this and will not allow it.

So the best the Ukrainian comedian/president can hope for is getting the U.S. involved in big deals that would inspire voluntary protection from the U.S. military. That is his best available “security guarantee.” If he gets that, then he can retire to one of his many mansions to enjoy some of the billions he has stolen from the citizens he has allowed to be sacrificed in this blatant and tragic proxy war.

P.S. — For anyone whose understanding only goes back as far as “Putin decided to wage an unprovoked war on Ukraine,” please visit my blog here to understand what is really going on.


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