It is the One.
Thank you.
Would you speak about what the US government is doing, about money, and all of it? There is so much division, and things don’t actually look better yet. Thank you.
There is turmoil. This has been mentioned more than once. It was mentioned to prepare you for it. It is here.
These are men and women attempting to apply the death blow to a group who has been in control for thousands of years. They won’t get everything “right”. Yet, their efforts are carrying forward their objectives at a speed unheard of.
Maybe, yet so many are being displaced and even denied as a result of what is being done.
This is the part of the journey that demands involvement and action. The people will stand for what is best for the populace.
What you see, in some cases, is a new face on an old issue – discrimination.
I see that.
What I am asking is this –
When does the money get better?
When does the war stop?
When does discrimination end?
When do we live as equals for us all?
When is there peace? Forgiveness? Prosperity?
We’ve spoken of this.
Yes, but it is insane right now. Perhaps a reminder. And some hope. We are human after all.
It is best for you to remain in a place of neutrality in places where opinions abound. This lashing out of “right” and “wrong” is like the big splash before the finale.
All the cards will be on the table right before the game is called.
That is a guarantee.
Yet so many are hidden still now, in 2025. There was expectation that we’d be done by now.
Expectations that involve multiple participants are most often wrong. This is one thing we’ve also spoken of.
You are freeing a planet of many billions, and you are doing it yourselves. An admirable feat.
The exit is guaranteed.
The timing of it isn’t.
So many parts are interconnected and affect each other 24/7. There are rapid accelerations as well as sudden stops.
In spite of that, the movement is forever headed towards New Earth. This is a place of peace, prosperity and artistry.
I’m not sure what “artistry” refers to here.
The ability and pull towards creative acts. What is opening inside your DNA now is brilliance. The creativity impulse is so very powerful. You have seen genius erupt in several individual humans. Imagine a global pulse of brilliance and passion unfettered by monetary slavery, control and corruption.
Your New Earth is a place of freedom. Its full emergence is decades from now. Yet, it shows up already in small pockets and places.
Your creativity is more effective than you realize. The energy here now only increases its potency, pushing it forward.
You want to know when.
I tell you it is happening now.
As each of you with eyes to see it, hold it in your sights, it expands. It has no choice but to. It is Law.
So, no date will be given?
Predictions on a linear calendar are fruitless enterprises. They cause frustration. They force you to focus on something unreal. That unreal thing is “time”.
It’s all energy Sophia.
As you fully grasp that concept you will more greatly appreciate your power to influence events.
Focus away from what you do not choose, and towards what you desire. This moves mountains.
Mountains, Sophia.
You approach now the final hand to be played in this exit game. It is when everyone must show their hands (cards). It’s one of the rules.
Everyone then sees what the players have been holding. Then, choices are made.
It is upon you to hold fast your visions of New Earth. Your beliefs and intentions have as much to do with its (New Earth’s) speed of arrival as the major Players do. They are attempting now to steer the energy – that’s how this game works. You are actually the Players. You move in accordance with where you think it is best to go.
The Players are directing the velocity of your game board. They move things around, light some things up, and darken others. Build up some things and destroy others. All to get you to go where it is they want you to go.
The Great Awakening finally happens when humanity realizes who is moving who. That is the zero point moment when everything changes.
Thank you.