Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
We enjoy the moments we share with you, thank you for this connection.
As you move closer to the ultimate Shift, it is of the utmost importance that you remember to Stay Alert. This means cultivating a heightened awareness of your surroundings, your thoughts, and your emotional state. Keep yourself focused, centering your mind and spirit, and hold Alignment with the Divine Light that exists within you and all around you. This alignment requires active engagement and a conscious effort to resonate with higher frequencies. If you do not vibrationally prepare and stabilize yourself within these elevated frequencies, you risk being pulled down into the chaos that is manifesting in various forms throughout your world.
Many things are shifting and changing within your reality, creating a landscape that can be tumultuous and confusing. These shifts you are experiencing are profound transformations that are affecting the very fabric of the Human Collective. This upheaval is causing great confusion and disarray among many individuals, who are struggling to comprehend the rapid pace of change and the implications it has for their lives. Your Light is essential during these times of uncertainty, serving as a guiding force amidst the diverse and often conflicting energies that are at play.
The great split of the human collective is well underway, and it is crucial to recognize the significance of this division. Those who align with the Negative Timeline are beginning to fall away from your reality, creating a clear distinction between paths. Understand that this division is a reflection of the choices individuals have made. Some have chosen to continue advancing the Light within the lower physical dimensions, clinging to familiar patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them. As you move higher in the Light, you transcend the limitations of the lower vibrations, allowing you to experience a reality that is vastly different from theirs.
In many cases, those who dwell in these lower vibrations may not even perceive your presence. It will seem as though you can see them, observing their struggles and challenges, but they do not witness you in the same way. This phenomenon can be particularly evident throughout your daily activities, especially when you interact with others. You may find that the split in the human perspective, broadens, as the vibrations on your planet increase.
Continue to hold your light high and bright for those who are still unsure of their path. You are the beacons of Hope for a brighter future for the human race, illuminating the way forward for those who seek guidance and understanding. Your unwavering commitment to embodying the Light can inspire others to awaken to their own potential, encouraging them to rise above the chaos and confusion that currently envelops them. In this way, your presence becomes a catalyst for transformation, fostering a collective movement towards higher consciousness and greater harmony. Embrace this role with courage and compassion, for it is through your Light that the Earth and Humanity can begin to heal and evolve.
With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at