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  • Unholy Grail: Adrenochrome, the “White Rabbit” Elixir Pursued by Blackhearted Elites

Unholy Grail: Adrenochrome, the “White Rabbit” Elixir Pursued by Blackhearted Elites

By Paul Dowling on Independant Sentinel – March 30, 2020

The author extends this courtesy warning to readers: The subject matter under discussion in this article is of a potentially disturbing nature.

    “Enemies in our midst.  Enemies.  In.  Our.  Midst.  The enemies of innocence.  The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well.” 

    – Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, October of 2018, addressing the matter of child ritual abuse

    “There’s evil in the world, all right.  Being aware of it makes you a realist, not a paranoid.” 

    – Dean Koontz, in Your Heart Belongs to Me

      From Dark to Light: Queries for “Adrenochrome” Explode, as Internet Censorship Ceases

      The censorship of anyone who disagrees with the politically-correct sensibilities of Big Tech has been the norm that has been forced upon conservatives by corporatist tech giants for some time now.

        But Google’s algorithm censoring the freedom of expression of so many Americans has recently been reversed.  It is also true that Facebook has allowed people who have been in “Facebook Jail” for years (this author included) suddenly to start sharing information again without being “shadow-banned” into obscurity.

        YouTube – which has shadow-banned conservative content provided by everyone from PragerU to the SGT Report – has likewise suddenly been allowing searches for longed-for, but verboten, videos to succeed.

          For years, Internet searches for “adrenochrome” have yielded limited information as to the true significance of that substance, let alone where it comes from, how it is obtained, and who uses it.

          There has been a real conspiracy, of bowdlerizing tech companies, to quash not only free speech, but free inquiry as well.  If any information were to be found, such as the entry for “adrenochrome” in the Urban Dictionary, there would generally be guidance given for the reader, usually written by some naïve academic, suggesting that adrenochrome is pure fiction, for example: “Author Hunter S. Thompson mentions adrenochrome in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. . . .  In the DVD commentary, director Terry Gilliam admits that his and Thompson’s portrayal is fictional.”  While technically true, that the movie portrayal is fiction, the basis for the portrayal is not.

          Indeed, logical thinking on the subject at hand eventually brings up the following line of questioning: If there were nothing of substance to the lore surrounding adrenochrome, why not allow people to read about it and make up their own minds?  Is censorship of the terrible truth about adrenochrome vital to the continuing ability of the media to protect the powerful elites they serve?  And could it be that public knowledge of adrenochrome might pose a danger to establishment elites who participate in the death-dealing harvest of this life-giving elixir of youth, in hopes of making themselves into evergreen immortals?

          Search engines, from Google to Bing, have barred discovery of almost any useful information with respect to issues that seekers of truth and justice care about, especially when it comes to adrenochrome and other such serious matters, until just recently.  (One notable exception to the censorship regime has been IBM Watson’s new Yippy browser.)

          Before freedom of inquiry was renewed, most of the information available would deride any reference to adrenochrome as “conspiracy theory” or “urban legend.”  But this has all changed overnight, as the CEOs of major companies – from Alphabet to Microsoft – have stepped down.

          Even Twitter seems to have undergone a reversal in its censorship algorithms.  It is as if suddenly the perfect storm had moved into the power vacuum created by the leaving of so many notables in the tech world.  Suddenly, a query in search of “adrenochrome” yields many different kinds of information on the substance, shedding light upon a dark subject that has been hidden from view for some time.

          What Is Adrenochrome, and Why Do Many Strive to Censor Information Regarding the Substance?

          One of the most clearly articulated descriptions of adrenochrome can be found in an article entitled “Adrenochrome Vampirism,” which states the following: “Adrenochrome is a chemical compound (C9H9NO3created by oxidizing adrenaline with Silver Oxide.

          From a pure ‘scientific’ viewpoint of it being studied and published in mainstream forums the only side effects reported were that it may induce schizophrenic episodes, de-realization, and euphoria.

          The truth behind the use of adrenochrome is much more sinister than it may initially appear.”  Actually, the visual representation of the chemical adrenochrome belies the fact of its malign nature, since, turned on its side, it creates the innocuous impression of a commonplace white rabbit:

          Representation of Adrenochrome, the Chemical “White Rabbit”

          Why Global Elites Wish to Make Articles Like This One Difficult to Discover

          Adrenochrome is desired by many globalist elites – from Hollywood, California, to Wall Street, NYC, to Washington, DC, and around the world.  Whether its use is incentivized by the facts of pure science or the dictates of unholy ritual, the form of adrenochrome most in demand is that which has been taken from young children who have literally been scared witless.

          The younger the children are, from whom the adrenochrome is extracted, the more highly prized is the chemical obtained.  To complete the harvesting of adrenochrome, children are tortured and terrorized to the utmost.

          According to Edgar Morgan, “[t]hey are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column.  (For someone who is up to the difficulty level and medical precision required, another, more brutal, way of extracting the substance directly from the pineal gland is reported in an article entitled “The Elites’ Super Drug: Adrenochrome”; but the mental picture created by describing this process is too disturbingly gruesome to paint here.)

          Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.”  There is even a crypto-currency, known as ADC-alt coin, used for the “exclusive purchase of adrenochrome.”  This is not a substance that can be afforded by many outside the establishment of jet-set elites.  In an age of Epstein flight manifests revealing that a former president flew to an “Orgy Island” in the Caribbean where Satanic rituals were likely being held, people are waking up to the horrible realities of such things as child sacrifice and adrenochrome harvesting.

          This author used to believe that stories about adrenochrome were nothing more than bizarre fictional accounts created by the drug-addled minds of fiction writers like Hunter S. Thompson, but this all changed.

          When It All Changed: Two Offbeat Anecdotes in the First Person

          Anecdote the First: When I was attending the University of Texas, back in the 1980s, I met a young lady we shall call Angie.  She was attractive and kind – or so I thought – and I asked her if she might be interested in going out.  Her answer was that she was not the right person for me.

          Of course, I had to ask her how she could be so sure this was true.  Her answer was both creepy and off-putting: “So, riddle me this, Batman,” she said, “are you a vampire – as am I?”  Not knowing what to make of this odd combination of weird inquiry and eccentric declaration, I fell silent.  Before I could think how to reply, Angie followed up by inquiring, “Okay, tell me this: Do you know what adrenochrome is?”  I struggled to recall where I had encountered the term, but my memory failed me in that moment.  “I thought not,” Angie said, accusingly, before storming off.

          Days later, in the Perry-Castañeda Library, I suddenly remembered where I had first run across the word “adrenochrome,” as I spotted a book that was splayed open, spine up, on a tabletop; it was a copy of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  But Thompson’s depiction of adrenochrome users as vampirelike was just made up, right?  Angie had to have been pulling my leg about her being an “adrenochrome vampire” – or was she perhaps a little touched in the head?

          Anecdote the Second: So, I moved on with my life, put the weirdness behind me, and wound up teaching in L.A., where I would eventually find myself teaching high school.

          One day, a student we shall call Luke lingered after class to invite me to worship services with his family.  I had met Luke’s folks recently at the school’s parent night, and apparently they had taken a shine to me.  I explained that I preferred to attend services in a synagogue but that I appreciated the invitation.  Luke bragged that his religion was better than Judaism, because his religion controlled the US government and was the most powerful religion in America.  “What is your religion?” I asked.  “Satanism,” was Luke’s reply, “which is why my parents look so young.”  Luke went on to explain that his parents were adrenochrome users and that someday he too would use it to stay young.

          The conversation was interrupted when a colleague entered the room to warn me that I was going to be late to the faculty meeting.  At this point, Luke blushed, walked out of the room, and the next day his parents withdrew him from the school.

          Adrenochrome in Popular Literature: The Gonzo Journalism of Hunter S. Thompson

          Few cult classics have been as popular as Hunter S. Thompson’s 1972 novel, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which featured an exciting new style of writing created by Thompson himself and branded as “gonzo journalism.”

          Thompson got away with saying many of the things he did about drugs and the dark side of American popular culture, because most people believed his narrative to be a fictionalized critique on the supposed failure of the counterculture of the 1960s.  This author no longer believes that Thompson spun his yarn out of whole cloth.  Indeed, Thompson’s references in the book to adrenochrome tend to show that Thompson must have been genuinely knowledgeable on the subject.

          In Chapter 5 of Thompson’s bizarre tale, entitled “A Terrible Experience with Extremely Dangerous Drugs,” Thompson has checked into a hotel with his attorney.  At one point, Thompson happens upon a “little brown bottle” in his attorney’s shaving kit and questions his attorney: “What is it?” he asks.  “Adrenochrome,” his attorney explains, elaborating that it “makes mescaline seem like ginger beer.  You’ll go completely crazy if you take too much. . . .  It’s absolutely pure.”

          Hunter follows up: “What kind of monster client have you picked up this time?  There’s only one source for this stuff . . . the adrenaline glands from a living human body. . . .  It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.”  His lawyer’s response is to admit that his client is “one of these Satanism freaks.

          He offered me human blood – said it would make me higher than I’d ever been in my life. . . .”

          The attorney also confesses that “[t]hey nailed this guy for child molesting, but he swears he didn’t do it. . . .  I didn’t dare turn the creep down.  He might have picked up a letter opener and gone after my pineal gland.”  Further along in the weird scene being played out, Thompson describes a news program on television, in a way that makes a veiled reference to the Satanic ritual killing of young children: “Nixon’s face filled the screen, but his speech was hopelessly garbled.  The only word I could make out was “sacrifice.”  Over and over again: “Sacrifice . . . sacrifice . . . sacrifice.”

          In Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72, Thompson again mentions the evil super-drug in the book’s footnotes: “It was sometime after midnight in a ratty hotel room and my memory of the conversation is hazy, due to a massive ingestion of booze, fatback, and forty cc’s of adrenochrome.”

          For most readers, Thompson is simply making another one of his drug-related rants, but for those who know the truth about this diabolical substance, there is a high level of discomfort, given the true source from which adrenochrome derives.

          It is this same strong discomfort which tends to induce denial that adrenochrome exists in the minds of many people, especially those who have been sheltered and, therefore, have a hard time accepting the existence of such diabolical wickedness.

          The truth is that many blackhearted people in this world are more than willing to inflict overwhelming amounts of harm upon others, if there is a pay-off for them.

          Fear and Loathing: Satanic Sacrifice

          The chemical reaction that produces adrenochrome is described in a whitepaper written at California State University, Northridge, entitled “Assay for Superoxide Dismutase Activity Using the Enzyme Inhibition of the Oxidation of Epinephrine,” where it is written that “[a]s O2 builds in the solution, the formation of adrenochrome accelerates because O2 also reacts with epinephrine to form adrenochrome.  Toward the end of the reaction, when the epinephrine is consumed, the adrenochrome formation slows down.”

          Corporal rejuvenation is the desired outcome for those who ingest this adrenochrome-laden blood.  So, it is the blood of child sacrifices that “allows the body to conduct cell mitosis closer to the level it does for minors, improves regeneration of muscle tissue, and . . . prevents chromosomes from being pulled apart during mitosis which strengthens them.

          The more youthful the victim of adrenaline harvesting is, the stronger this effect is.  As well as sexual predation this is why the elites have such an obsession with kidnapping and trafficking children.”

          Anyone who uses adrenochrome risks his own body’s cessation of making its own adrenaline, so it becomes necessary to take this elixir of youth on a regular basis, so as not to fall ill.  This culture of adrenochrome addiction does not bode well for children anywhere and everywhere.

          Since time immemorial, wherever Satanists have been present, it has not gone well for children.  In a globalist paradigm, as long as Luciferians are at large, child trafficking will serve to ensure that there is no place on earth where children can be safe.

          As Memorialized in Leviticus, Child Ritual Abuse Has Been Banned as an Abomination

          In the Book of Leviticus – Leviticus 17:10-14 to be precise – the act of ingesting blood (and thus the adrenochrome borne by that blood) was prohibited scripturally: “And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, that eats any manner of blood, I will set My face against that soul that eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people.  For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life.  Therefore I said unto the children of Israel: No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourns among you eat blood.  And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, that takes in hunting any beast or fowl that may be eaten, he shall pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.  For as to the life of all flesh, the blood thereof is all one with the life thereof; therefore I said unto the children of Israel: Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh; for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof; whosoever eats it shall be cut off.”

          Leviticus 18:21 says this concerning child sacrifice in specific: “Do not permit any of your children to be offered as a sacrifice to Molech, for you must not bring shame on the name of your God.  I am the LORD.”  This ban on child sacrifice occurs in the section of the Levitical Priestly Code that deals with idolatrous sexual prohibitions, which intimates that ritual sex with children was involved before any sacrifice was made.  (This is the same section of Leviticus where male-on-male sex, having to do with idolatrous fertility rituals, is forbidden.)  Because the “life of the flesh is in the blood,” anyone who “eats any manner of blood” is stealing the life of another to extend one’s own span of years.  Indeed, the child sacrifice necessary to obtain this blood is harrowing.

          As a Result of Epstein’s Arrest, People Have Begun to Awaken

          Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest has exposed the fact that pedophile rings really do exist and that the problem is larger than most people had ever thought to be the case.

          The American people are beginning to learn that the “ritualistic Satanic abuse of children used for various ceremonies, sacrifices, and rituals” is involved.  Children are hurt and even killed, and many who carry out the heinous acts involved are from the upper echelons of political, corporate, and cultural power globally.

          Taking Child Ritual Abuse Seriously

          As recently as October of 2018, the Prime Minister of Australia gave a speech to his parliament, addressing the matter of child ritual abuse, wherein he spoke the following words: “Why was our system of justice blind to injustice?  Why has it taken so long to act?  Why were other things more important than this, the care of innocent children?  Why didn’t we believe?  Today we dare to ask these questions, and finally acknowledge and confront the lost screams of our children. . . .  Nothing we can do now will right the wrongs inflicted on our nation’s children.  Even after a comprehensive Royal Commission, which finally enabled the voices to be heard and the silence to be broken, we will all continue to struggle. . . .  We honour every survivor in this country, we love you, we hear you and we honour you. . . .  As one survivor recently said to me, ‘It wasn’t a foreign enemy who did this to us – this was done by Australians.’  To Australians.  Enemies in our midst.  Enemies.  In.  Our.  Midst.  The enemies of innocence.

          The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well. . . .  When a child spoke up, they weren’t believed and the crimes continued with impunity.  One survivor told me that when he told a teacher of his abuse, that teacher then became his next abuser. . . .  Power and position exploited for evil dark crimes.”

          This speech was a sobering event in Australia, especially when considering that the existence of “survivors” so strongly implies that there were missing children who did not survive or who were never found.

          The prime minister’s address was never brought to light by America’s mainstream media, whose goal is the direct opposite – keeping people in the dark about child ritual abuse, in order to protect their corporate employers and political protectors, while intimidating others not to report such abuse; Vox has put it this way: “Today, it’s a media-fueled scare over crazed clowns [perpetrating Satanic ritual abuse].  But as Satanic Panic shows us, that’s not the real fear.  The real fear is that, tomorrow, someone could decide the crazed clown is you.”

          So, do journalists working for the mainstream media protect child sex-trafficking and Satanic ritual abuse, because their strings are being pulled by Hollywood, Wall Street, and Washington elites, ultimately to conceal the harvesting of adrenochrome?

          Is this why so many in the media are desperate to maintain the open-borders agenda?  Are the media, in truth, so anti-Trump, because the president has been putting a stop to human trafficking?  Is the supply of sacrificial children dwindling, thereby forcing a Satanic cadre of politicians to enact laws – like the one passed recently in New York – to allow the veritable sacrifice of newborn infants, albeit under the auspices of a woman’s right to an abortion?  Is it really implausible to conjecture that a conspiracy of Satanic Ritual Abuse might exist in America’s political Swamp?  If the comments of the prime minister of Australia are to be taken at face value, then who can seriously rule out the possibility?


          As corporatist CEOs step down, will the sudden transparency that is being enabled by an Internet free of their regime of censorship finally give rise to arrests of child and adrenochrome traffickers?  The prospects are now better than they ever have been.  It would appear that Justice is coming, although many, understandably, will not believe it until they see it.  As a praying man, this author has a different view: We shall see it when we believe it; so, please pray.


          Paul Dowling


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