
Brendas Blog: Adjusting


Dear Ones,

Maybe you think that you are doing something wrong, that others are finding joy while you remain stuck in fear or pain.  Instead, you are wearing joy blinders, negating your ability to know how you are evolving.

Even though you have likely had some wonderful experiences in the past few days, one negative thought or action returned you to 3D fear.  Such is expected because living in love and joy is a new concept.  You are much more familiar – and comfortable – in your 3D fear world.

Allow yourself to float through the day more than you have the past few days – ignoring or deleting your fear thoughts and focusing on positive elements that may have always been in your life, but you lacked the Earth training to acknowledge that such was so.

Of course, that last statement angers many of you because you expected immediate sparkles and unadulterated joy, proving you are a new being in a new world.  Such is not how this transition is happening.  It is more of a steady pace than an instant shift.  Neither your physicality nor your emotional state allows you to completely shift from fear to love in one hour, day, or even a few days.  Instead, it is a steady build-up to a new you in this new world.

Even though you have experienced loving moments, actions, or thoughts, you continue to focus on what you are most comfortable with – fear.  Perhaps it is fear in your personal life or worldview, but it is always a fear that prepares you to handle the next emergency.

You have nothing to fear.

Both your body and emotions are slowly adapting to the new being you are becoming.  Even though the next few days will increase your knowingness of the love held deep within you for Earth eons, you will likely jump back and forth between 3D fear and new you love for a little while.  Not because you have to but because 3D fear is so deeply ingrained you will return to it despite your interest in and need for this new world of love.

You return to 3D fear at the slightest opportunity—not because you are enamored of 3D fear, but because it is still easier to live with than the new you love. This adjustment is similar to adjusting to a new computer program that provides more capabilities but does not seem logical initially.

Do not fret; the changes encouraging new radiance will continue pummeling your being and Earth for the next few days.  Within two weeks, you will discover how easy your new you program has become and how radiant that program is within your world.

Many of you feel powerless because your internal being is reconfiguring and updating.  However, you will soon know where you want to be and why, both within your being and in your world.

This new world program is a given; you are merely adjusting to it with thoughts of how difficult it is instead of accepting that your inner being will create a sense of ease once all the pieces are in place.

Realize that the Universal shifts occurring in the next few days are changing your inner being and outer world minute-by-minute, so there is not much to grasp other than you are changing.  Change creates fear, which has been a truism for 3D eons.  The difference is that this fear will shift into joy and peace instead of the 3D calamity you are most used to.

So allow yourself to relax.  All is well in your world as you change from fear to love – not in isolation but as part of a movement that will shift both the Earth and the Universes.

Life is good and continues to improve minute by minute despite your need to remain fearful, not in the moment’s reality but because of your historical 3D experiences.  So be it.  Amen. 


Brenda Hoffman
Brenda Hoffman

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