High Council Of Sirius
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The Resilience of the Human Spirit ~ The High Council of Sirius


Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for holding the Light.

While your life in these moments may seem to be in total chaos, or off balance because of the Grand Purge that is taking place within and without, in your current existence, it is also a wonderful moment to reflect on how far you have come on this Journey, and renew the trust within yourself, of how resilient and adaptive you can be in any crisis you may encounter. In your cases, as being the awakened, you have learned most of your soul’s lessons to get to this place you are at spiritually in these moments.

As you take a moment to reflect upon your existence, consider the profound journey you have undertaken throughout this lifetime, a journey that is uniquely yours yet resonates with the shared experiences of many. Contemplate the myriad of experiences, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped you into the person you are today, each moment a thread woven into the tapestry of your life. Who were you 20 or 30 years ago? Think back to the dreams you held close to your heart, the aspirations that fueled your spirit with passion and hope, and the lessons learned from both your successes that filled you with pride, and the downfalls that taught you resilience. Who were you a decade ago? Recall the pivotal moments that defined that period of your life, the relationships you nurtured that offered support and companionship, and the obstacles you overcame that tested your strength and determination. How about five years ago? Reflect on the growth you experienced during that time, the shifts in your perspective that broadened your understanding of the world, and the decisions that, though perhaps daunting at the time, ultimately led you to this present moment of self-awareness and clarity. And what about just a year ago? Consider how much can change in such a short span and how those changes, whether subtle or profound, have contributed to your ongoing evolution, shaping your values and priorities in ways you may not have initially realized.

For those of you who have awakened to a deeper understanding of your purpose, you have undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging as beautiful beacons of love and light in a world that has been shrouded in darkness. Your journey has not only been about personal growth but has also positioned you to serve as guiding lights for your fellow humans, illuminating paths that may be obscured to others. You shine brightly, casting rays of hope and positivity that illuminate the path of love and light for those who may still be navigating their own darkness, offering solace and encouragement. Your presence inspires hope in those around you, encouraging others to embark on their own journeys toward enlightenment and self-discovery, reminding them that they too can rise above their challenges and embrace their true selves.

Be patient, dear ones, as the veils that once obscured the truth dissolve, revealing the long held deception of your reality. As the full disclosure of your shared reality emerges, more and more of humanity is awakening in droves, shaking off the confines of old beliefs that no longer serve them and stepping boldly into the light of their true essence. You are witnessing a significant revival of light, a collective awakening as individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences recognize their inherent divinity and interconnectedness with all that is. This transformation is not just a personal journey; it is a global movement towards unity and love, as people from all walks of life begin to embrace their spiritual truths and actively contribute positively to the collective consciousness. 

Embrace this time of awakening and transformation, for it is a beautiful testament to the resilience and potential of the human spirit. A reminder that even in moments of uncertainty, the light within each of you shines brightly, guiding others toward a future filled with hope, compassion, and understanding.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com

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