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Answering the Hard Questions ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light


Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

It is wonderful to connect with you. Thank you for this transmission.

As we observe your current human collective awakening, we witness a profound transformation taking place across the globe.

As many individuals, are now opening their eyes to the pervasive deceptions of the illusion that has long governed their lives. It is one thing to awaken to the myriad of events unfolding outside of you, to recognize the chaos and confusion that permeates the world. However, it is something much grander, far more significant, to awaken to the profound truth that resides within you. While the Big Show continues to play out on the world stage, with all its distractions, more and more individuals are beginning to see that all the drama, all the chaos, and the endless wars are still very much alive and present. In fact, for many, the perception is that this turmoil has escalated to unprecedented levels, rather than calming down or reaching any semblance of resolution.

When we observe the current state of affairs, we see a troubling trend: many individuals choose to engage in cognitive dissonance, opting to ignore any information or evidence that contradicts their chosen narrative. This selective perception serves as a psychological shield, protecting them from the uncomfortable truths that they choose to not face. 

Yet, there are also those brave souls who are daring to ask the hard questions. Where is the Peace that has been promised? Where is the Real Disclosure that would shed light on the hidden truths? Where is the prosperity for all, rather than just a select few? Where is the Love and Unity that we so desperately need in these times? What truly happened to the New Era that was envisioned?

These are just a few of the many deeply challenging questions that humanity has a rightful claim to know the answers to. There is really only one answer to all of these questions.

While the majority of the drama and conflict is indeed taking place in your world, it is important to recognize that it takes time for things to settle and calm down. However, the wars happening on Earth, are planned and instigated for dark reasons. The wars being waged are rarely about the people themselves; rather, they are often rooted in territorial disputes and deep-seated religious differences. The game that your world leaders play is a dark and intricate deception, one that often aims at the depopulation of certain ethnic groups. Every action taken against another country is, in essence, an action against the innocent people of that nation. Thus, the leaders use the populace as pawns, manipulating them to serve their own dark agendas and engage in their nefarious war games.

Amidst this turmoil, there are those who are tirelessly striving to bring about genuine Peace upon the Earth. The Human Collective must awaken to this deception, to the realization that the elites of your world do not view the rest of humanity as their equals. In many cases, they may not even be human themselves, as in some cases they are reptilian hybrids or clones, operating from a place of superiority and control over the human race. In these critical moments, they are actively engaged in their depopulation schemes, seeking to impose their will upon the masses. However, as the Light advances and grows stronger, those who deceive you will inevitably be exposed for their dark agenda against humanity. Remember, Light = Truth = Love, they are one and the same. The Prime Creator’s Light will bring the truth forward, and the Light will bring Love to the forefront. It is the Divine’s Plan.

You, as the Light force on Earth, must cultivate true discernment and understanding, realizing that those who hold power over you are not your friends. This realization applies not only to your personal lives but also extends to the broader world stage. You possess immense Power within you; you are divine Sparks of the Prime Creator. A Divine Spark does not require governance or control from external forces. You are in the process of stepping into your divinity, awakening to the truth of who you are. Embrace this divine essence fully, for it is your birthright to shine brightly in the face of darkness and to contribute to the collective awakening of humanity.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

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