Galactic Federation

Leaving the Illusion Behind ~ The Galactic Federation


Blessings, to our dear Earth Family. We thank you for connecting with us.

As the process of disclosure continues to unfold. You will find yourself becoming a witness to a myriad of betrayals, intricate deceptions, and the unveiling of ulterior motives and schemes. These agendas, driven by the elites of your world, have kept humanity shackled in bondage and harmed in many ways.

These hidden agendas have woven a complex web of manipulation that has influenced societies, governments, and your individual lives, often leading to suffering and disillusionment. The layers of deceit that have been meticulously constructed over time are now being peeled back, revealing the stark realities that have been obscured from view. This moment is catalyzing a significant awakening, a collective realization that the status quo cannot be sustained any longer.

Now is unequivocally the turning point. This is a pivotal moment that signifies a turn for the better, a shift towards a more enlightened and harmonious existence. Positive changes are actively being implemented, changes that are designed to cultivate a better quality of life for all beings on your planet. As you collectively embark on this journey, you are leaving behind the Illusion.

It is a time to transcend the trauma and the conflicts that you observe manifesting in your outer world. Instead of being consumed by these challenges, you are encouraged to begin envisioning the Earth as you wish it to be, a place of peace, unity, and abundance. This vision is a possibility that can be realized through collective intention and action.

You must make a conscious effort to rediscover happiness. Allow yourself to smile again, to embrace joy, in its many forms. Seek to immerse yourselves in the radiant Light that exists within and around you, regardless of the obstacles or negativity that may seem to obstruct your path. Remember, you are inherently meant to be the Light and the Love that this world so desperately needs.

As you approach the End of the Cycle, it becomes increasingly clear that you are ready for the profound Transformation that awaits. Embrace these changes with an open heart and mind, even if you may not fully understand their purpose at this moment. Trust in the process and recognize that every shift, every challenge, and every revelation is part of a greater design that is guiding you towards a brighter future. The journey ahead is one of empowerment and awakening, and it is essential to remain steadfast in your commitment to embodying the Light and Love that resides within you.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at

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