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2025: The Year of the Angels: The Heart Song of the Angels and Manifesting New Earth


Welcome to 2025 Beloved Souls!

This year will be the Year of the Angels, in which you will come into closer alignment with your Angelic families and also explore the power and beauty of your inner Human Angelic Template.

In the second half of 2024 you made huge leaps in consciousness, releasing the old and soaring upwards on the spirals of transformation to a level that we call Angelic Consciousness. This is a very fine and beautiful consciousness that celebrates love, creation and beauty. It is what we call “The Heart Song of the Angels”. In 2025 you will become One with this frequency of Joy and Miracles.

The Heart Song of the Angels

As we have said, the Heart Song is a frequency that you can hold and transmit from your own High Heart Chakra that is situated at the Thymus Gland above the Heart. Its Light Code colours are are pale blue and gold and its sound codes are angelic music! Its dream codes are soft winds moving through fields of flower in the morning sunlight! Its energy is miracles and manifestation.

This frequency, from the Elohim Angels, creates the New Earth and transforms the old by activating the frequency of growth and beauty in Nature.

If you hold this frequency in your Heart and in your Being, you will become a channel for the energy of Renewal on Earth Wherever you go and wherever you are, that frequency will be activated.

You will BE the change
You will BE the renewal and the REBIRTH

You will BE the Wind in the Field of Flowers

Angelic Soul Connections

As you move into the Heart Song frequency, your heart will call to others of similar frequency to create and celebrate in Joy.

You will be drawn to those of your own Angelic families, and in doing so you will feel the initiation of new soul and group missions for the New Earth.

Your Galactic and Solar energies may be refocused into the new Angelic Light Codes that predominate in 2025. These will be Diamond and Opalescent Light Codes that shimmer with pure Angelic Light.

And you will experience a renewed sense of Who You Are and your connection to your Higher Angelic powers of Manifestation and Miracle creation on the Spirals of Light.

Angelic Soul Reunions

Also part of the Angelic frequency in 2025 will be the Angelic Soul Reunions.

These are close and loving partnerships of souls brought together to facilitate the unfolding and manifestation of the New Earth.

They will be souls who have been drawn together because their love is multi-dimensional and is able to move through Time and Space and to embody the Angelic Heart Song Frequency.

To be able to come together successfully, they will need to be able to also hold the powerful forces of love and creation within their union and direct these energies into new creations for the New Earth.

The Heart is the Still Point

With all these powerful forces on the move in 2025, the Heart remains the Still Point and the Balancing Point of Peace and Love on the spiral Path of Transformation and Creation.

The Path of the Pure Heart, as taught by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, remains the Template for Holding and Flowing both the Galactic and Angelic frequencies, from the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness to the Diamond and Opalescent frequencies of the Angelic Consciousness.

The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine pathways will provide the “container” or “Grail” chalice for holding these powerful energies within your Heart and within your life.

I AM the JOY


The LIGHT OF CREATION shines through me

The New Earth Awakens

That shines in All Things
In a field of Stars

Have a wonderful Year in 2025 Beloved Souls.


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