by Judith Kusel –
Many will feel at this time when such powerful life- changing and enhancing energies are pouring in, as if they are standing on shifting sands, or treading water.
It is so important to go deeper within, and to connect deeply to the Divine within, your own Ascended Masters, and the higher realms.
The extremely high frequency light we are now absorbing in your new DNA and New Light bodies forming, (all twelve of them), means that we are losing density. But not only we, but all life and life forms as well as Mother Earth.
Become aware that some things simply will not work for you anymore. As you shift in consciousness, that which once was important to you, will lose its importance. You will need more time out to just be!
It is wise to just call in Archangels Chamuel, and Charity the Archangels of Heart center and Love, as well as the angels of love, and simply ask them to shower you with love, inside and out and enfold you in their wings. Then simply relax in them, and do this especially at night, before you go to sleep.
It will help enormously to calm your mind, and bring you into the highest state of Love, even as you then can have a peaceful sleep.
Note that many Lightworker souls are doing immense energy work and other work in their sleep state – and cosmically too. We are now able to connect with your true soul family and cosmic families, soul groups, and the Intergalactically far more easily, via our souls and as our consciousness rises, remember this, or even being able to bilocate in several forms at once, and be present in multiple ways elsewhere. This is a natural outcome of ascension.
Your soul is not limited by the physical and is simultaneously in multiple dimensions at once.
To me this is the new reality, where you exist on so many expanded frequencies and bandwidths of existence, and can easily switch from one to other.
You will even find that you often will be in the midst of people, and they cannot see you anymore, for you are in a higher dimensional state.
I have often experienced this when doing energy work, and it has taught me that all is energetic, and all is a matter of choosing in which consciousness frequency band you are wishing to operate, and it will happen increasingly.
I am very careful what I watch and what I listen to, and make time to listen to high frequency music, like the Solfeggio frequencies, for they assist enormously in clearing not only your energy fields but also fine tuning into the God frequency for instance, the 432 hertz etc.
Yet the greatest tuning happens through mother earth and cosmically now. The earth’s energy centers are all now tuned into the seventh dimension as well as the fifth and this is opening a whole new energetic field of existence and immensely powerful.
I see this as exploring all the new possibilities now, and finding at what frequency band and consciousness your soul now wishes to exist and operate in.
To embrace the Lightness of Being, and to simply choose to stay in the highest state of Love and Joy.